Kathy Griffin calls Trump a 'stupid racist piece of s***' after he says April Ryan is 'a loser' and 'nasty'

Twitter has veteran journalist April Ryan’s back after President Trump called her “a loser” and threatened to revoke her press credential, as he did with CNN’s Jim Acosta.

While leaving the White House on Friday for a trip to France, the president said other journalists might be in jeopardy of losing their credentials. “I haven’t made that decision, but it could be others also,” he told reporters. Speaking of Acosta, the president said: “He’s a very unprofessional man… I don’t think he’s a smart person, but he’s got a loud voice.”

Unprompted, Trump brought up Ryan, a CNN political analyst and Washington bureau chief for American Urban Radio Networks. At Wednesday’s combative press conference, he told her to “sit down” when she attempted to ask a question.

Kathy Griffin, President Trump, April Ryan. (Photos: Getty Images)
Kathy Griffin, President Trump, April Ryan. (Photos: Getty Images)

“The same thing with April Ryan,” Trump said. “I mean, you talk about somebody who’s a loser. She doesn’t know what the hell she’s doing. She gets publicity and then she gets a pay raise. … She’s very nasty.”

Ryan had this to say about it on Twitter.

She has the support of many fellow journalists, including Jim Acosta.

Bernice King, the youngest child of Martin Luther King Jr. and Coretta Scott King, also reached out.

Many on Twitter were quick to point out that Ryan is the third African-American female journalist Trump has gone after this week.

“Trump tells black women reporters they ask stupid questions because he’s a stupid racist piece of s***,” Kathy Griffin said in a tweet, also tagging PBS NewsHour’s Yamiche Alcindor, a Haitian-American, and CNN’s Abby Phillip, who is African-American.

(Photo: Twitter)
(Photo: Twitter)

On Wednesday, Trump scolded Alcindor for asking a “racist question.” (She asked whether describing himself as a “nationalist” on the campaign trail emboldened white nationalists.) And while talking with reporters today, Trump went after Phillip, who asked whether he wanted acting Attorney General Matt Whitaker “to rein in Robert Mueller” in regards to the Russia probe. Trump deemed it a “stupid question.

The ladies of the View also mentioned on Friday’s show what the three journalists have “in common.”

Of course, not everyone agrees. Fox Business Network’s Trish Regan said it makes no sense that Ryan thinks it has anything to do with her gender or race. “He’s an EQUAL opportunist when it comes to putting out-of-line journalists in their place,” she tweeted. Ryan fired back with a response.

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