Katie Couric on Ginsburg and Kaepernick controversy: 'I regret I didn't ask a follow-up question'

On Tuesday, Katie Couric dropped by “The Late Show With Stephen Colbert,” where she discussed her recent admission that she protected Ruth Bader Ginsburg by editing a 2016 interview. The former Supreme Court justice referred to Colin Kaepernick’s national anthem protest as ‘dumb and disrespectful.’ Apparently Couric was confused by part of Ginsburg’s response.

“There was one statement that I thought I didn't quite understand what she meant,” Couric said. “I didn't ask a follow-up saying, ‘Can you clarify that?’ And I ended up not using it.” Later adding, “So what I regret is that I didn't ask a follow-up question.”

Couric admitted she should have included the quote in her original video, but that she let her humanity get in the way.

“You know, honestly the human side of me was like she's older, is she confused about it?” Couric said. ““I think it's really important for people to acknowledge when they probably have erred the wrong way.”

Video Transcript

KATIE COURIC: Does she not really understand what Colin Kaepernick was doing? And you know, honestly, the human side of me was like, she's older does she-- is she confused about it?

KYLIE MAR: On Tuesday, Katie Couric dropped by "The Late Show with Stephen Colbert," where she discussed her recent admission that she protected Ruth Bader Ginsburg by editing a 2016 interview in which the former Justice referred to Colin Kaepernick's national anthem protest as "dumb and disrespectful." Apparently, Couric was confused by part of Ginsburg's response.

KATIE COURIC: There was one statement that I thought-- I didn't quite understand what she meant. I didn't ask a follow up question saying, can you clarify that? And I ended up not using it.

KYLIE MAR: Couric talked about the questionable edit in her new memoir, "Going There," and what she regrets about it.

KATIE COURIC: So what I regret is that I didn't ask a follow up question. We all make judgment calls, sometimes they're right, sometimes they're wrong, sometimes our own human emotion gets involved in it.

KYLIE MAR: Couric also believes the best way to combat mistrust in the media is for journalists, like her, to own up to their mistakes.

KATIE COURIC: I think it's really important for people to acknowledge when they probably have aired the wrong way.

- Amen.