Kelly Clarkson on her ‘horrible’ divorce, working with Steve Martin and talk show drama

Kelly Clarkson readily admits her new album, “Chemistry,” tracks “an emotional roller coaster of a relationship.”

No doubt, Clarkson drew from a wellspring of feelings as she navigated a messy divorce from Brandon Blackstock, her husband of nearly seven years and father to children River Rose, 9, and Remington Alexander, 7.

Clarkson funneled her seesawing emotions into her 10th studio album three years ago, when she filed for divorce (it was finalized in March 2022), but couldn’t bring herself to release the songs at the time. Not because she worried about the world hearing the soft sadness in “Skip This Part” or the defiance in “High Road” or the snarl that propels “Red Flag Collector.”

She just knew she couldn’t sit for interviews to discuss her turbulent emotional state.

“I will be useless and I will just cry,” she recalls telling her label.

Kelly Clarkson worked with artists including Gayle, Carly Rae Jepsen, Sheila E. and actor/musician Steve Martin on her "Chemistry" album.
Kelly Clarkson worked with artists including Gayle, Carly Rae Jepsen, Sheila E. and actor/musician Steve Martin on her "Chemistry" album.

But now, Clarkson, 41, has reset and is eager for listeners to delve into “Chemistry,” out Friday. Blending pop, soul and rock and topping it with her gust of a voice, the album is a relatable mix of moods decorated with dollops of unexpected guests (Steve Martin loans his banjo to “I Hate Love” while Sheila E. adds the percussive pulse to “That’s Right”).

Clarkson, who moonlights as the host of “The Kelly Clarkson Show” and popped up as a coach on NBC’s “The Voice” for years until announcing her departure in May, also recently dealt with allegations of a toxic workplace on her syndicated talk show.

In a chat with USA TODAY, the levelheaded and witty Clarkson addressed the issues on the show, joked about “aiming high” to get Martin on the album and shared she’s relieved to be “in a different chapter.”

Question: The album starts on such a sad note with “Skip This Part.” But by the time we get to the last track, “That’s Right,” it’s like a new Kelly.

Kelly Clarkson: It’s like “How Stella Got Her Groove Back.” I like that the album starts and ends like that because it’s how I felt. I remember saying to people, “I want to skip this part” (while going through divorce). I know you can’t, but who wants to go through that?

You’ve had some great breakup songs in your career, but what other artists do you think have some of the best?

I think for our generation “Jagged Little Pill” (by Alanis Morissette) was our breakup album. That’s a huge one for me. And I’m a Joni Mitchell girl. I like going to that kind of vibe. I like Fiona Apple and those nostalgic years for me with certain music, like Toni Braxton, some country. If I’m angry, I go to more Nirvana.

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Kelly Clarkson will play the Bakkt Theater in Las Vegas for a limited run of shows starting July 28, 2023.
Kelly Clarkson will play the Bakkt Theater in Las Vegas for a limited run of shows starting July 28, 2023.

Who were you listening to while processing all of the emotions you were dealing with?

I literally didn’t listen to anyone. I was just writing. It wasn’t even about, what do I want the sound (of the album) to be? I’ve never made a record like this. I pretty much sent a pigeon to every friend I’ve been a writer with or a producer who had some tracks or I just wrote by myself.

You have some interesting collaborators on the album, like Gayle, who co-wrote “Me.” Why did you release that song as a single in tandem with “Mine”?

It was very, very important to me with this album that people hear a lot of it before it’s released. I don’t want people to chalk up my relationship to one song. That’s not fair and it’s not true to the album.

I didn’t expect to see the names Steve Martin and Sheila E. on the track listing.

I’ve been blessed to share the stage with Sheila. I love her as a human. She is a solid, great, kind person, and I love having those people in my world. When I wrote that song I remember telling my producer, “Wouldn’t it be cool if Sheila would play on this?” And when I wrote “I Hate Love,” Steve was a reference in the song.

That’s a great line, “You can keep (Ryan) Gosling and I’ll take Steve Martin.”

I was feeling very sarcastic and very real about the fact that love makes you do such stupid things. You hang on to this idea of what someone is, or who you are, or what love is and really you have just not moved on to a situation where you’re worth more than what this is. You need to aim for something better.

Kelly Clarkson releases her 10th studio album, "Chemistry," June 23, 2023.
Kelly Clarkson releases her 10th studio album, "Chemistry," June 23, 2023.

Did you join Steve in the studio to record the song?

No. I was super depressed for a week because he said yes and I (couldn't meet him in person). You come up with an idea like, that’s never going to come through. (I was) aiming high. He has more Grammys than I do! I’ve been a fan forever. But I wasn’t able to be there because I was doing the talk show. I’m looking forward to meeting him one day.

Let’s talk about “Red Flag Collector,” which is pretty direct with lyrics such as "As you run your mouth, puff your chest / Play cowboy in the wild, wild west." Did it feel good to let out that anger? Or maybe not anger, but…

Oh, anger is on point. I was very, very angry. I know a lot of people have gone through grief or a big tragedy like a divorce and I know it’s a common thing, unfortunately. But there’s nothing common when you’re going through it. It’s very foreign, it’s horrible. A lot of time stupid, stupid (stuff) gets said and you just can’t believe it. I was angry and really hurt. That song and “I Hate Love” are probably the most direct ones that deal with that level of anger.

And how are you feeling these days?

Good! I needed to be here, and I waited for that moment. I’m listening to these songs being released and it’s like (hearing) a different person. It’s three years ago that we separated, so it’s nice to be on the other side of it. There’s no anger or anything, it’s just a different chapter. I think I needed to wait for that, and I’m glad I did because now I can talk openly about the songs and have fun with them.

You have a limited Vegas run coming July 28 (through Aug. 19 at the Bakkt Theater at Planet Hollywood). What are your plans for the show?

There are only 10 shows so the hits will be there, but we’ll sprinkle in the (new) album tracks and people love the covers. I will perform the whole album via the 10 shows. This will be more intimate and low-key and how I started: Just onstage with my band and engaging with people.

Songs such as "Red Flag Collector," "I Hate Love" and "Favorite Kind of High" represent the dueling emotions on Kelly Clarkson's 10th studio album, "Chemistry," out June 23, 2023.
Songs such as "Red Flag Collector," "I Hate Love" and "Favorite Kind of High" represent the dueling emotions on Kelly Clarkson's 10th studio album, "Chemistry," out June 23, 2023.

Your talk show is moving to New York for the fall season. Are you excited about heading East?

I’m in a great place personally and a fresh start seems so beautiful for me and my little family. I love New York and it’s the perfect time for me. Life happens how it does for a reason. I’m super blessed that NBC was down with the move and oh my God, we’re at 30 Rock!

What kind of cultural changes do you plan to implement behind the scenes?

I didn’t know a lot was going on, but I do now. I’m an ever-optimist so this gives us a chance (to make things better). I’m always trying to be a better human. I’m reading “The Good Ancestor.” I’m always reading some kind of book that my therapist is like, "Can’t you read fiction?" (Laughs.) I always perceive things like this: I know it sucks when stuff like this happens but I see it as an opportunity for us to be better versions of ourselves. We’re thinking of ways to make people feel like they aren’t outside the circle. I was that kid in school, and that’s the worst feeling ever. I’m looking at it as an opportunity for positive change; that’s what we’re all about at the show. I’m also a nerd who likes team building and all that stuff. Definitely there needs to be some change and there already is and will be. It’s a fresh start in many ways.

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This article originally appeared on USA TODAY: Kelly Clarkson says new album is like 'How Stella Got Her Groove Back'