Entertainment Weekly

Kellyanne Conway is the clown from It in SNL short

Dana Schwartz

If you didn’t find Kellyanne Conway terrifying already, Saturday Night Live was ready to help with that with their depiction of Kellywise the Dancing Clown.

While leaving a taping of his show, Anderson Cooper (Alex Moffat) donned a Georgie-style yellow raincoat and headed out into the night— when one of his papers was blown into the gutter.

But instead of a Skarsgaard clown giggling in the storm drain, it was the counselor to the president, played by Kate McKinnon, begging to be let back on TV again.


“What did you do to your makeup?” a frightened Cooper questioned.

“I toned it down,” Conway replied.

In It, Pennywise attempted to entice the young Georgie with popcorn and balloons. Kellywise temps Cooper with salacious quotes. When Cooper balks, Kellywise threatens him with headlines of his biggest fears: “Trump Re-Elected” and “Anderson Cooper Fat Now.”

Eventually, Cooper is lured in with a copy of Hillary Clinton’s What Happened and he goes out the same way as poor Georgie. That Kellywise sure has a way of dragging people down into the gutter.
