Kellyanne Conway uses Taylor Swift's lyrics against her to shut down Equality Act

On Fox News Tuesday, Kellyanne Conway responded to Taylor Swift, who called out the White House during her acceptance speech at the MTV Video Music Awards Monday night.

During the VMAs, Swift won the Video of the Year award for her pro-LGBTQ song "You Need to Calm Down," which ends with Swift's petition for the United States Senate to pass the Equality Act. During her speech, Swift stated, "You voting for this video means that you want a world where we are all treated equally under the law, regardless of who we love or how we identify. At the end of this video there was a petition, and there still is a petition, for the Equality Act, which basically says we all deserve equal rights under the law." Swift also pointed out that the petition now has half a million signatures, "which is five times the amount that it would need to warrant a response from the White House." However, Conway seems to think that Swift and viewers may not understand what exactly the Equality Act is.

"I would love to just survey the audience if they know what that even is. What the Equality Act is and isn't. She's welcome to her opinion. I will tell you there's a lot of poison pills in it," stated Conway, who then proceeded to sing part of Swift's song.

"I actually like the new Taylor Swift song that is called 'You Need to Calm Down.' I can sing it for you. You know, where she says 'If you say it on the street that's a knock out, if you put it in a tweet, that's a cop out.’ I love that. That basically is Washington in a nutshell." However, singing part of Swift's song was far from a praise, as Conway followed up by stating, "When Hollywood and singers and all go political, it sounds in the moment like it's very popular, and we've seen so many times where it backfires and it blows up. But she's also somebody who went up against President Trump head-to-head in the United States Senate race in Tennessee and lost handily."

When Martha MacCallum asked Conway why the White House does not support the Equality Act, Conway replied, "The president and the White House support equality. We don't support pieces of legislation that have poison pills in it that can harm other people." Conway went on to explain that the economy is open to everyone, "but when something is named something, it's not always truly that, and we have to look at legislation. If she could get her signatures, that's terrific. And, by the way, Taylor if you could give a shoutout to the USMCA, that would be terrific."

So it sounds like Conway isn't completely against Swift being involved in politics after all.

The Story With Martha MacCallum airs weekdays at 7 p.m. on Fox News.

Check out the highs and lows of the 2019 VMAs, including Taylor Swift’s winning speech:

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