Kim Kardashian defends Kendall Jenner amid report the model's dog bit a little girl

Kim Kardashian and Kendall Jenner. (Photo: Getty Images)
Kim Kardashian and Kendall Jenner. (Photo: Getty Images)

If you go after one KarJenner, be prepared to take on the whole family.

Kim Kardashian jumped to Kendall Jenner‘s defense on Monday after TMZ claimed the model’s Doberman pinscher nipped a child at the Beverly Glen Deli in Los Angeles. The 5-year-old girl’s grandfather, Hollywood divorce attorney Bob Cohen, claimed the dog lunged unprovoked and bit his granddaughter on the arm, breaking the skin and drawing a small amount of blood. He called Jenner and boyfriend Ben Simmons “arrogant” for leaving before checking if she was OK. The little girl allegedly had her wound treated at a nearby pharmacy.

However, a source close to the Kardashians refutes his account, saying the dog “never bit” the child.

cute but she’ll rip your face off

A post shared by Kendall (@kendalljenner) on May 28, 2018 at 3:15pm PDT

“The dog did not make contact with the little girl,” an insider tells Yahoo Entertainment. “Once [Kendall] knew the little girl was OK, she got up while her friend paid the bill. No one ‘vanished.’”

Still, the story quickly lit up Twitter, riling up one woman in particular. Sophie Ross, in a tweet that has since been deleted, wrote: “Add this to the growing list of reasons why @KendallJenner is a disturbingly despicable, entitled, unsympathetic, sadistic, uncharitable and self-absorbed human being who doesn’t deserve to be idolized. (Yes, I went there.)

The tweet caught the attention of Jenner’s big sis, who fired back.

Kardashian, who has become the queen of clapbacks added, “P.S. Unfortunately what’s in the media isn’t always accurate.”

Jenner also responded directly to Ross, writing, “hope to meet you one day to show you the real me, maybe i’ll tell you a little bit about the story too.”

But Ross would have none of it, and essentially doubled down on her initial message. With the hashtag “#NeverForget” she posted three Jenner moments she found to be offensive, including a screenshot from that infamous Pepsi commercial. (All of the posts have been deleted.)

Ross also tweeted and deleted the following message: “For the record, I don’t claim to be perfect, I’m not a celebrity and the only reason I’m verified is because my old employer verified its employees! I just like to blow the whistle when I see someone with so much influence repeatedly set a bad example to her fans. Much love.”

She admitted surprise, however, that the stars of Keeping Up With the Kardashians would see and respond to her comment. She has kept those tweets up.

One can only speculate that, for Kim, clashing with someone outside of the family was probably a welcome break.

Read more from Yahoo Entertainment:

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