Laurence Fishburne Shares Lessons From Nelson Mandela for Current Administration

On Thursday’s The Daily Show, Laurence Fishburne described inhabiting the role of Nelson Mandela for the BET series Madiba.

As The Matrix star walked on, Trevor Noah joked, “If there was ever a time for you to tell us this was not the real world, give us the red pill and get us the f*** out.”

Fishburne described how much of an honor it was to portray the South African leader who helped end Apartheid. He said, “It’s a refresher course in what I think we need to do as a country in order to come together.”

Fishburne went on to explain that the movement to end Apartheid comprised many people. Even though Nelson Mandela has died, Fishburne explained that the United States could use Mandela’s legacy to help heal our nation’s divide.

The Daily Show airs weeknights at 11 p.m. on Comedy Central.

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