Lynzy Lab performs viral song in response to Trump's 'scary time for young men' statement

On Jimmy Kimmel Live!, viral sensation Lynzy Lab performed “A Scary Time,” which she wrote in response to President Trump’s ludicrous statement that “it’s a very scary time for young men in America.” Lab’s mocking song details the threats women deal with daily because of men.

“A Scary Time” begins, “I can’t walk to my car late at night while on the phone / I can’t open up my windows when I’m home alone / I can’t go to a bar without a chaperone / And I can’t wear a miniskirt if it’s the only one I own.”

Lab, a dance teacher at Texas State University, goes on to lament not being able to use public transportation at night or leave a drink unattended.

“A Scary Time” also takes not-so-subtle jabs at newly confirmed Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh, who was accused of sexual assault by multiple women, and those who agree with Trump’s sentiment.

Joined by a number of women and girls, Lab sang: “But it sure is a scary time for boys / Yeah gentlemen band together, make some noise / It’s really tough when your reputation’s on the line / And any woman you’ve assaulted could turn up anytime.” The direct shot at Kavanaugh and the nod to his accusers was in the lyric, “I can’t speak out against my rapist after 35 years.”

The video has tens of millions of view, including Ellen DeGeneres, who recently spoke about her own sexual assault and retweeted the video with a simple “Yup.” Mark Ruffalo also retweeted the song, saying, “Listen to women like @MercedesLynz to give you an idea of the world as they experience it.”

“A Scary Time” ends by reminding men of the privilege they’ve enjoyed their entire lives and a call for action in the upcoming midterm elections: “It’s not such a scary time for boys / They’ve always had the upper hand they’ve always had a choice / It’s time for women to rise up use our collective voice / The day to vote’s November six so let’s go make some noise.”

Jimmy Kimmel Live! airs weeknights at 11:35 on ABC. Watch clips and full episodes of Jimmy Kimmel Live! for free on Yahoo View.

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