Mark Cuban reveals what ‘really bothers’ him about Trump: ‘Always plays the victim card’

Dallas Mavericks owner and Shark Tank star Mark Cuban was a guest Wednesday on Hannity, and the billionaire, who did not endorse Donald Trump in 2016, explained why he won’t be voting for Trump in 2020 either.

Cuban told Sean Hannity, “You know, this is what really bothers me about the president: he's the most powerful man in the world and he always plays the victim card.” The Mavericks owner went on to say, “You've got to be the leader, you've got to be the strongest man in the game.”

Last fall, during his impeachment inquiry, Trump tweeted, “There has been no President in the history of our Country who has been treated so badly as I have.” And in the midst of the coronavirus pandemic he said he is treated worse than President Abraham Lincoln.

Cuban admits that Trump has had to deal with adversity from the media and Democratic party, but he doesn’t think the president has responded the way a leader should. “You're supposed to be the world's best counterpunch, he hasn't been able to knock anybody out, he just plays the victim.”

Hannity airs weeknights at 9 p.m. on Fox News Channel.

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