Matt Lauer accuser Brooke Nevils suffered PTSD and attempted suicide after making rape allegation

Brooke Nevils, the former NBC News producer who accused Matt Lauer of rape, found herself in a dark place after coming forward with her allegation.

In Ronan Farrow’s book Catch and Kill, which is out Tuesday, Nevils said that after filing the complaint that led to the Today show host’s firing from NBC in November 2017, the 35-year-old suffered from post-traumatic stress disorder.

“Over the past two years, Nevils had attempted suicide, Farrow wrote in the book. “She’s been hospitalized for post-traumatic stress disorder, descended into heavy drinking, pulled herself back.”

Further, “She’d lost 14 pounds,” as a result of the stress, Farrow wrote. She had also “gone to doctors 21 times in a single-month period.”

And while Nevils — who claims Lauer anally raped her in a hotel room at the 2014 Sochi Olympics — doesn’t regret coming forward, she said it impacted every aspect of her life.

“I’ve lost everything I cared about. My job. My goals,” Nevils said in the book.

Nevils’s rape allegation against Lauer was first revealed publicly last week. She said she was having drinks with Meredith Vieira, whom she worked under, in their Sochi hotel when Lauer joined them. Later that night, she was intoxicated when she went to Lauer’s room and the alleged rape occurred.

“It was non-consensual in the sense that I was too drunk to consent,” she said in the book. “It was nonconsensual in that I said, multiple times, that I didn’t want to have anal sex.” She also detailed crying her pillow after he allegedly ignored her repeatedly saying no.

Nevils said in the book that she and Lauer had further sexual encounters when they returned to New York City, but said, “It was completely transactional. It was not a relationship.”

Lauer strongly denied her claim in an open letter. He categorized their relationship as an “extramarital affair” and said the Sochi incident was “the first of many sexual encounters between us over the next several months.” He categorized all their sexual activity as “consensual.” Further, he said he “never assaulted anyone or forced anyone to have sex. Period.”

Nevils called Lauer’s letter a “case study in victim shaming.”

In the book, Nevils told Farrow about two other alleged workplace incidents with Lauer that she said were non-consensual. Once, she claimed she was in his office looking for something when he started to touch her. (“I just went numb,” she said. “In my internal narrative, I failed because I didn’t say no.”) Nevils also claimed that she asked Lauer to record a farewell message for her boyfriend, who was leaving NBC, and Lauer allegedly asked for oral sex in exchange.

As the #MeToo movement began in late 2017, Nevils officially made a complaint against Lauer, at the urging of Vieira, according to the book. Lauer was fired within 24 hours.

Last week — as Nevils’ rape claim was made public — she thanked her “incredibly strong and supportive fiancé Luke” for helping her through the ordeal.

Meanwhile, Lauer, through his attorney, released a new statement on Monday — the eve of the book coming out. It includes a denial that he exposed himself to another Today show producer. In the book, Lauer’s former Today co-host Ann Curry claimed that a woman confided in her that Lauer exposed himself to her in his office in 2010. Curry said she went to two NBC execs about it but “as far as Curry ever heard, nothing happened” to him. Curry was pushed out of her job as Lauer’s co-host in 2012.

Lauer’s attorney wrote in a statement to CBS This Morning, “Ronan Farrow continues his attempt to monetize the #MeToo movement, using salacious allegations as promotional trinkets to sell his book. Matt never exposed himself to anyone. This ridiculous story has been shopped around for years. Many allegations that are being circulated were never raised during any fact-checking process. And despite repeated requests for an advance copy of this book, we have not been provided one, while many media outlets have. Matt will have more to say at an appropriate time, but he will not take part in the marketing circus for this book.”

Noah Oppenheim, who is NBC News president, said Monday in a staff memo that no complaint was ever made regarding the alleged incident.

If you or someone you know are experiencing suicidal thoughts, call 911, or call the National Suicide Prevention Hotline at 1-800-273-8255 or text HOME to the Crisis Text Line at 741741.

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