Meghan McCain Opens Up About Her View Exit and Motherhood in 'Personal' New Memoir

Meghan McCain has more to say.

In October, the now-former View host will release an audio-only memoir, Bad Republican, on Audible, the audio entertainment company tells PEOPLE exclusively.

Audible calls it a "the deeply personal narrative detailing McCain's experience as the daughter of an American icon, a conservative rebel and a new mother."

And, yes, Bad Republican "will also include exclusive details surrounding her recent departure from The View."

Among other expected details, the memoir will recount "the final moments she spent by her father [John McCain]'s side; of her (mis)adventures on the New York dating scene before meeting her now-husband, Ben; of her views on cancel culture, internet trolls and life backstage as the sole Republican on America's most-watched daytime talk show — and why she decided to leave."

There's more: "the awkward phone call she received from Donald and Melania and where she thinks the Republican Party, and the country, goes from here; and of why a miscarriage and the birth of her daughter, Liberty, have left her so fired up about women's rights."

The 36-year-old daughter of the late Sen. McCain — who previously wrote a campaign trail memoir, Dirty Sexy Politics — left the top-rated daytime talk show earlier this month after four years as a panelist.

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meghan mccain
meghan mccain

Lou Rocco/Walt Disney Television via Getty Meghan McCain

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"It was a recent decision," a source told PEOPLE in July. "ABC did want her to stay."

At the time, Meghan said she had decided to leave The View after realizing it no longer fit her priorities.

The talk show helped make her a household name at the same time that her frequent arguments with her co-hosts over daily hot topics made her headline fodder.

"This was not an easy decision," she told viewers in announcing her exit. "It took a lot of thought and counsel and prayer, and talking to my family and my close friends, and, you know, look — COVID has changed the world for all of us and it changed the way, at least for me, the way I am looking at life, the way I'm living my life, the way I want my life to look like."

The insider, noting that Meghan had been filming remotely from ABC's studio in Washington added then that "the geography was a big piece of it."

"They did want her to come back to the New York studio," the source said. "And in D.C., her family is there, her mom's a new ambassador now and she'll be in D.C., Ben's situated there for work and his family — her in-laws — are there."

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Meghan McCain
Meghan McCain

Theo Wargo/Getty Meghan McCain

"We wish the best for Meghan as she plans her next chapter, and thank her for the passion and unique voice that she shared with us and our viewers each day," ABC News said in a statement.

On her final episode, in early August, Meghan spoke gratefully to the audience and to the View panel with whom she had sometimes sparred.

"Thank you all so much, again, for the privilege and honor it has been the past four years to work on this show. It really has been incredible. It will be referenced in everything that I do for the rest of my life," she said. "You women have been so incredible to work with. The crew, the producers, everyone works so hard, An honestly, the audience giving me four years to give my opinion and, you know, show my perspective."

"This has been a really wild ride the past four years of my life. It's been, honestly, the best of times in all ways — on and off the show," she continued. "And it's been a really incredible, liberating experience and I will always cherish the time I spent with all of you."

Bad Republican will be released on Oct. 21 on Audible.