Meghan McCain 'overwhelmed with nostalgia' remembering father John McCain on Election Day

The late Sen. John McCain's daughter, Meghan, remembered him on Election Day. (Photo: Heidi Gutman/Walt Disney Television via Getty Images)
The late Sen. John McCain's daughter, Meghan, remembered him on Election Day. (Photo: Heidi Gutman/Walt Disney Television via Getty Images)

John McCain died more than two years ago, but the former U.S. senator from Arizona and 2008 Republican nominee for president was very much on the minds of his daughter, Meghan McCain, and his widow, Cindy McCain, on Election Day.

Meghan, a co-host on The View, noted on social media that it was her first Election Day without her dad, who died of brain cancer in August 2018, and her first with her 1-month-old daughter, Liberty. “Feeling overwhelmed with nostalgia and warm sentiments about the circle of life. ... I love Election Day, always will,” she wrote on social media.

She advised others to see past the divisive politics of today. “I am so proud to be an American and to have the privilege of living in the greatest country that has ever existed,” Meghan wrote. “No president or time or political party will ever change that.” She closed her message with a quote from her father, a veteran: “We’re Americans and we fight, never surrender.”

On Instagram, her words were the caption for two picture quotes — about being a compassionate human being after the election and how her Wednesday won’t be any different, regardless of who wins.

Still, the Republican has made it clear that former Vice President Joe Biden, not President Trump is her pick for president. Trump has infamously and publicly criticized her late father since his death.

Meanwhile, Meghan’s mother explained that she spent part of her Tuesday carrying out her and her late husband’s tradition of seeing a movie before watching election returns. Cindy McCain watched a film at home, the 1965 James Bond thriller Thunderball, starring the late Sean Connery, which she said was one of his favorites.

Cindy, who married John in 1980, endorsed Biden in September. “My husband John lived by a code: country first,” she tweeted. “We are Republicans, yes, but Americans foremost. There's only one candidate in this race who stands up for our values as a nation, and that is @JoeBiden.”

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