Michelle Wolf Fires Back At Critics On Left And Right After Blazing White House Correspondents Dinner Set

Comedian Michelle Wolf has fired back at critics of her scorched-earth set at last night’s White House Correspondents Dinner.

Twitter continues to percolate today, with hashtags from the night comprising more than half of the top 10 trending topics. Republicans naturally have pounced on the set, which spared few in the Trump Administration or the media. Donald Trump, who did not attend, tweeted that Wolf “really ‘bombed,'” putting the word in quotes for reasons that remain unclear. When former press secretary Sean Spicer called the whole event a “disgrace,” Wolf replied with a simple “thank you!” (Her tweet garnered more than 100,000 likes, showing how contentious the whole affair has became.)

Because Wolf took aim at press secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders and commented on her makeup, there was also plenty of criticism in the center and on the left side of the aisle. Mika Brzezinski, co-host of MSNBC’s Morning Joe, called the jokes “deplorable” and noted her own perspective on Trump. “I have experienced insults about my appearance from the president,” she tweeted. “All women have a duty to unite when these attacks happen and the WHCA owes Sarah an apology.”

Wolf fired back, replying to Brzezinski’s tweet with a defense of the line, which compared Sanders to the evil Aunt Lydia on Hulu’s The Handmaid’s Tale and said she “burns facts then uses that ash to create the perfect smoky eye.” Tweeted Wolf, “Why are you guys making this about Sarah’s looks? … I said she burns facts and uses the ash to create a *perfect* smoky eye. I complimented her eye makeup and her ingenuity of materials.”

When New York Times reporter Maggie Haberman tweeted a compliment to Sanders for sitting and enduring Wolf’s set live instead of walking out, Wolf replied, “All those jokes were about her despicable behavior,” ending with a blown-kiss emoji.

Here are tweets from Wolf and Trump, plus some other reactions:

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