Mindy Kaling and Stephen Colbert Shop for a Mop on ‘The Late Show’

On Monday’s The Late Show, Mindy Kaling mentioned that with her busy schedule she barely has time to run errands, like buying a new mop. So Stephen Colbert walked her out of the studio and onto 53rd Street to a local Duane Reade, where she could buy one.

On the way, Colbert cat-called a construction worker. At Duane Reade, the two tried on Halloween costumes and some sample make-up and even checked out the magazine rack.

Finally, they picked out a mop, but neither had money to pay for it. So, they shoved the mop into Colbert’s pants, along with about 10 pounds of candy.

Back in the studio, Kaling said she would use the mop to hit her assistant.

The Late Show airs weeknights at 11:35 p.m. on CBS.

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