
"Nightmare Alley" Is Guillermo Del Toro's Next Movie, And People Are Living For The First Teaser Trailer

3 min read

If you're a fan of good movies and have good taste, then chances are you're familiar with the works of Guillermo del Toro — aka the genius behind such Academy Award-winning films like Pan's Labyrinth and The Shape of Water as well as cult classics like Cronos and The Devil's Backbone.

  Picturehouse / Courtesy Everett Collection, Fox Searchlight Pictures /  Everett Collection
Picturehouse / Courtesy Everett Collection, Fox Searchlight Pictures / Everett Collection

Believe it or not, it's been FOUR YEARS (what is time?!) since his last film, The Shape of Water, came out. But that all ends now because the first teaser trailer for his next film, Nightmare Alley, just dropped. Check it out:

The movie stars the always-dashing Bradley Cooper as, get this, a nightclub mind reader...

Searchlight Pictures

...and the eternally-youthful-no-seriously-how Cate Blanchett as psychiatrist Dr. Lilith Carlisle.

Searchlight Pictures

And the whole thing is SO Film Noir that I lit up a cigarette and put on a fedora after watching the trailer. (In all seriousness, I am LIVING for the style in this film.)

Searchlight Pictures

Suffice to say, fans are already obsessed with what they're seeing, especially Cate Blanchett...

...and, honestly, this cast in general:

There were also some good "Carol 2" jokes:

And, of course, appreciation for production design:

TL;DR: This movie is BOUND to clean house come awards season.

Nightmare Alley hits theaters on Dec. 17, and this is basically me until then:

Searchlight Pictures
