Niko McKnight Urges Tyrese To “Sit This One Out” After Defending Brian McKnight

Brian McKnight’s son, Niko, isn’t standing for Tyrese defending the “Back At One” singer. After Tyrese responded to Rickey Smiley’s supportive message to McKnight’s “disowned” children, Niko took to Instagram to address Tyrese’s sentiments and air some dirty laundry.

Tyrese crying meme
Tyrese crying meme

“Tyrese used to sleep under our pool table when I was a kid,” Niko wrote on his Instagram stories, pairing his words with an infamous meme of the “Sweet Lady” crooner crying. “I know the 90s RnB brotherhood blood is thicker than anything but you should sit this one out champ. You have relationships to fix with your own children and your own past decisions you’ve made on behalf of p***y and power.”

“The allegiance to those two things is what keeps you guys from seeing that the only thing that matters in the end is family. Real men can see past the bulls**t. Let me stop though,” Niko continued, noting that his “46-hr chemo infusion has [him] ready to fade Jody.”

Niko McKnight Tyrese Brian McKnight response
Niko McKnight Tyrese Brian McKnight response

After McKnight called his older children, Brian Jr., Niko, and Brianna a “product of sin,” Smiley told them in a video message, “I just wanna say to Brian McKnight kids — to all of his kids, the ones that he said that’s born out of evil, born in evil or whatever he claims — you have a lot of support out here.”

The comedian/radio host captioned his post, “I want the adult children of #BrianMcKnight who’ve been #disowned to know they have a lot of support out here, you are not thrown away.”

Brian Jr. and his mother Julie thanked Smiley in the comments, with Brian adding, “I really appreciate this man! All we can do is pray for that man now.”

Tyrese reacted to Smiley’s message on Instagram as well. “It is unfair, in my grown a** man opinion, to say that that man and his ex-wife and the mother of his kids which are now grown adults, whatever their specific dynamic is — there’s a bunch of things that have been said and done over the years that is nobody’s business that has contributed to where they are.”

The singer felt it’s “unfair” to say that a parent would “never turn their back” on their children. He continued, “Kids be out here saying some f**ked up s**t bruh. Kids out here be crossing you and going above and beyond to cross you. I do not want that man and that woman or his kids or anything about anything.”

Admittedly, Tyrese has not asked McKnight about the inner workings of his familial dynamic, noting, “It’s not my place or my business to ask him.” However, he feels it’s not “fair” to “act as if relationships with men, women, and children can’t fall apart.”

He later took to the comments welcoming the attacks and sharing how he was “triggered” by Smiley’s commentary. The father of two also expressed, “…It’s very easy to stand with and support somebody else’s kids that become adults that haven’t disrespected the s**t out of you specifically […] I don’t believe in owning or throwing people away. However, don’t think it’s any of our best specifically and purposely wake up every day to hang out with pain or disrespectful people who cross you constantly.”

Tyrese confessed that he wasn’t coming to McKnight’s defense. He’s simply “pointing out a specific thing,” concluding, “Most people love to go public and play victim without ever, ever being fully transparent about the things that they actually said and did to contribute to the demise of that dynamic between your children, your teens, or your adult kids.”

McKnight, himself, has not addressed any of the commentary.

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