Piers Morgan pied in the face after shaming Daniel Craig for using a baby carrier

Piers Morgan is known for running his mouth, but this morning on live TV he was left speechless after taking a pie to the face.

It all started thanks to a seemingly innocuous photo of Daniel Craig wearing a baby carrier, or papoose.

Daniel Craig, who plays agent 007 in the James Bond movies, was photographed carrying his baby daughter. (Photo: Splash).
Daniel Craig, who plays agent 007 in the James Bond movies, was photographed carrying his baby daughter. (Photo: Splash).

But on Monday, Morgan reacted to the photo by tweeting “Oh 007.. not you as well? #papoose #emasculatedBond.”

As expected, the Internet was outraged. But on Good Morning Britain, host Morgan once again made the case for his more traditional perspective on how father’s should carry their babies.

“I’m the voice of the common man or woman in this country,” he said before being interrupted by his co-host, Susanna Reid. She said, “There’s nothing common about you, you’re a multimillionaire!”

At one point, two guests even offered to donate 2,000, or about $2,650, to charity if Morgan reversed course and wore a baby carrier himself. Despite teasing the big reveal, Morgan opted not to wear one, instead saying “no woman ever fancies a man again when they wear a papoose.”

It all came to a head when comedian Harry Hill decided to make a stand for pro-papoose men everywhere. Catching Morgan off guard, he announced “this pie is for all those men that wear papooses” and smacked him in the face with a whipped cream pie. He continued by saying that he pied Morgan “for Daniel Craig.”

Of course, Morgan couldn’t bear to not have the last word, or in this case, pie. He ended the bit by pieing Reid in the face.

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