Porn stars, beauty queens, and an 'Apprentice' contestant: All the women accusing Donald Trump of affairs or sexual misconduct

President Trump has been accused of sexual misconduct and extramarital affairs. (Photo: Mandel Ngan/AFP/Getty Images)
President Trump has been accused of sexual misconduct and extramarital affairs. (Photo: Mandel Ngan/AFP/Getty Images)

Since Donald Trump launched his candidacy for president, women have come forward accusing him of affairs or sexual misconduct. Trump — as a candidate and after taking office as president — has repeatedly denied such allegations, often saying that he doesn’t know or has never had a relationship with the women coming forward. Stormy Daniels has emerged as the most notable because of her career as a porn star and her legal fight with Trump over whether she violated a valid nondisclosure agreement by speaking freely about him.

But she’s not the only woman who has alleged a sexual encounter with President Trump. Here are all the women making accusations against him:

Barbara Moore

The former Playboy model told the Daily Mail she met Trump in March 1993, at a fashion show at a former Trump hotel in Atlantic City, N.J., and that she carried on an affair with him for six months following. Moore said she spoke out because she received so many interview requests after Karen McDougal, another woman who alleged an affair with Trump, named Moore in a court filing. Moore gave the newspaper photographs she claimed were taken at Trump’s Mar-a-Lago property to prove her story. “It was a passionate affair, he was a great lover and a gentleman,” Moore said. “But at the time, I didn’t know he was with someone else, let alone engaged to Marla Maples, and it was only recently I learned she was pregnant at the time. This has shocked me, but I don’t hold it against Donald, he was a great lover and I think he’s a great president.” Moore described a relationship with Trump that was more than physical, as they talked for hours on the phone during their romance. She also said Trump intervened on her behalf in the Playmate of the Year 1993 contest. While the White House didn’t respond to the newspaper’s request for comment, a source told the Daily Mail that Moore’s accusations are false.

Karen McDougal

Karen McDougal attends Playboy’s Super Saturday Night Party on Feb. 6, 2010, in Miami Beach. (Photo: Dimitrios Kambouris/Getty Images for Playboy)
Karen McDougal attends Playboy’s Super Saturday Night Party on Feb. 6, 2010, in Miami Beach. (Photo: Dimitrios Kambouris/Getty Images for Playboy)

The 1998 Playmate of the Year recounted a years-long entanglement with Trump to Ronan Farrow for a February story in the New Yorker. The report included excerpts of Karen McDougal’s diary entries chronicling her first meeting with Trump at a 2006 pool party at the Playboy mansion and their alleged subsequent relationship (all while he was married to Melania Trump). McDougal alleged that, when she met Trump, he immediately began telling her how beautiful she was and asked for her phone number.

The second time they met, after talking on the phone, McDougal wrote in her diary that, although Trump was married to Melania, she made a connection with him. “We talked for a couple hours — then, it was ‘ON’! We got naked + had sex,” she wrote. Trump then offered her money, she continued. McDougal refused. “He offered me money. I looked at him (+ felt sad) + said, ‘No thanks – I’m not ‘that girl.’ I slept w/you because I like you – NOT for money’ – He told me ‘you are special.’” McDougal said that Trump introduced her to family members and sent her press clippings about him and autographed books, and they continued to see each other for about nine months — until April 2007, when she called it off. A friend of McDougal’s said it was because she felt guilty about the affair and she felt that comments Trump had made to her and in front of her were “disrespectful.”

Still, Trump continued to be part of McDougal’s life, because the model decided to sell her story in 2016. The National Enquirer publisher American Media Inc., run by Trump’s “personal friend” David Pecker, bought the story for $150,000. According to Farrow’s article, the Enquirer never published McDougal’s account but bought it so that no one else could. In the sale, McDougal also was promised a column and magazine covers, some of which the company has yet to follow through on, according to the New Yorker piece. (AMI said McDougal did not provide them with the copy for all the columns.)

On March 20, the New York Times first reported that McDougal filed a lawsuit against AMI to be released from her nondisclosure agreement.

For his part, Trump denied having an affair with McDougal in a statement from the White House. “This is an old story that is just more fake news,” the statement said. “The President says he never had a relationship with McDougal.”

McDougal’s lawyer, Peter K. Stris, announced April 18 that his client had reached a settlement with the media company. As part of the agreement, she will keep the payment she initially received, while AMI will keep the rights to photos of her, the New York Times reported. McDougal said she had no immediate plans to sell her story to anyone else.

Alana Evans

Alana Evans attends the 2018 AVN Adult Entertainment Expo on Jan. 26, 2018, in Las Vegas. (Photo: Albert L. Ortega/FilmMagic)
Alana Evans attends the 2018 AVN Adult Entertainment Expo on Jan. 26, 2018, in Las Vegas. (Photo: Albert L. Ortega/FilmMagic)

Alana Evans — real name Dawn Vanguard — is another adult film actress. She says that during a weekend at a July 2006 celebrity golf tournament in Lake Tahoe, her friend Stormy Daniels called her with Trump on the line. “Donald is talking through the phone to me, he is saying, ‘Oh, come on, Alana, come hang out, let’s have some fun, let’s party,’” Evans told People in February 2018. “I wasn’t attracted to him. It’s not like she was calling me with Brad Pitt, Mark Wahlberg. Even Will Ferrell, I would have been right there,” Evans says. “But not for Donald — it’s not going to happen.”

Evans insisted that the call was about sex. “If my girlfriend calls me to hang out with another man, I expected it was for something naughty,” she told the magazine.

Stormy Daniels

The adult film star, whose real name is Stephanie Clifford, has caused a lot of headaches for the president. She first said in a 2011 unpublished interview with In Touch that she had a months-long affair with Trump after meeting him (while he was married) at a July 2006 celebrity golf tournament at Lake Tahoe. The Associated Press later reported that the magazine held off publishing the report because of threats from Trump’s legal team.

Eventually, the story came out anyway. In January 2018, the Wall Street Journal reported that just before the 2016 election, a Trump lawyer paid Daniels to stay silent. (Trump’s personal lawyer Michael Cohen told the New York Times in February that he paid Daniels $130,000 of his own money.) In Touch then published the transcript of its interview with Daniels.

Daniels said through her attorney that her nondisclosure agreement (NDA) was invalid because Cohen had publicly admitted to paying her. Daniels filed a lawsuit in March seeking to have the NDA legally voided, noting that Trump never signed it. She also released the results of a polygraph she took about her relationship with Trump — she largely passed — and set a date with respected news program 60 Minutes. On the show, she told Anderson Cooper that she felt threatened to stay silent in a parking garage incident in 2011.

Trump again denied any affair took place.

Summer Zervos

Summer Zervos attends a gala on Feb. 26, 2017, in Los Angeles. (Photo: Paul Archuleta/FilmMagic)
Summer Zervos attends a gala on Feb. 26, 2017, in Los Angeles. (Photo: Paul Archuleta/FilmMagic)

Recognizable to many former fans of The Apprentice, Summer Zervos competed on the fifth season of the show, which aired in 2006. She said it was during her stint on the reality series that Trump twice kissed her during meetings at Trump Tower, as well as kissing and groping her in a hotel room in California. “He grabbed my shoulder and began kissing me again aggressively and placed his hand on my breast,” Zervos said in a news conference.

Days before Trump took office, Zervos filed a defamation lawsuit against him for calling her a liar. He has tried to have the case dismissed, but a New York judge ruled on March 19 that her case could move forward.

Trump issued a statement denying Zervos’s claims in October 2017: “To be clear, I never met her at a hotel or greeted her inappropriately a decade ago. That is not who I am as a person, and it is not how I’ve conducted my life. In fact, Ms. Zervos continued to contact me for help, emailing my office on April 14 of this year asking that I visit her restaurant in California.”

Kristin Anderson

Just before the election, in October 2016, photographer and former model Kristin Anderson told the Washington Post that Trump put his fingers under her skirt and touched her vagina through her underwear without permission. The two were part of a group conversation at a busy New York City nightclub in the early 1990s, she said. Anderson was one of the many women who spoke out against Trump during his candidacy after he denied during a presidential debate that he had ever actually done the things he said he had done in the 2005 Access Hollywood tape in which he boasted about assaulting women.

The Trump campaign refuted Anderson’s allegation. “Mr. Trump strongly denies this phony allegation by someone looking to get some free publicity,” a Trump spokeswoman said. “It is totally ridiculous.”

Rachel Crooks

Rachel Crooks alleged to the New York Times that on Jan. 11, 2006, Trump sexually assaulted her. She was then a 22-year-old receptionist at a real estate business working in Trump Tower. “That’s where he forced himself on me,” Crooks, who is now running for Ohio state representative, told the Washington Post in February. “He was waiting for the elevator outside our office when I got up the nerve to introduce myself.” She continued, “He started kissing me on one cheek, then the other cheek. He was talking to me in between kisses, asking where I was from, or if I wanted to be a model. He wouldn’t let go of my hand, and then he went right in and started kissing me on the lips.”

Trump denies the incident, and in a tweet, called Crooks “a woman I don’t know and, to the best of my knowledge, never met.”

Jessica Leeds

Jessica Leeds told the New York Times in October 2016 that Trump grabbed her breasts and attempted to slip his hand up her skirt when they were seated together in the first-class section of a flight to New York in the 1980s. Trump allegedly made the moves without permission; he and Leeds had never met before. “He was like an octopus,” she told the newspaper. “His hands were everywhere.”

Trump’s response to Leeds’s story: “None of this ever took place.”

From left, Rachel Crooks, Samantha Holvey, and Jessica Leeds appear on Megyn Kelly’s show on Dec. 11, 2017. (Photo: Nathan Congleton/NBC/NBCU Photo Bank)
From left, Rachel Crooks, Samantha Holvey, and Jessica Leeds appear on Megyn Kelly’s show on Dec. 11, 2017. (Photo: Nathan Congleton/NBC/NBCU Photo Bank)

Ninni Laaksonen

Ninni Laaksonen, who was Miss Finland 2006, said Trump grabbed her before she and several other contestants appeared with him on the Late Show With David Letterman that year. “Before the show, we were photographed outside the building,” she said in October 2016. “Trump stood right next to me and suddenly he squeezed my butt. He really grabbed my butt. I don’t think anybody saw it, but I flinched and thought: ‘What is happening?’”

Jessica Drake

Jessica Drake at the 2018 Adult Video News Awards on Jan. 27, 2018, in Las Vegas. (Photo: Albert L. Ortega/FilmMagic)
Jessica Drake at the 2018 Adult Video News Awards on Jan. 27, 2018, in Las Vegas. (Photo: Albert L. Ortega/FilmMagic)

The adult film star (also known as Angel Ryan) has said that she, too, was invited to Trump’s room at that 2006 celebrity golf tournament at Lake Tahoe. Jessica Drake said that she showed up at Trump’s pad with two women in pajamas and he immediately kissed each of them without asking permission. They left, but Drake said Trump called her a little later and offered her $10,000 and use of his private jet if she would return to his suite and attend a party with him.

Trump responded to Drake’s claims, which were first made in an October 2016 news conference, by calling them “false and ridiculous.”

Karena Virginia

Karena Virginia speaks at an Oct. 20, 2016, news conference in New York. (Photo: DON EMMERT/AFP/Getty Images)
Karena Virginia speaks at an Oct. 20, 2016, news conference in New York. (Photo: DON EMMERT/AFP/Getty Images)

Karena Virginia held a news conference in October 2016 in which she described her 1998 run-in with Trump. She said she ran into him at the U.S. Open as she was waiting for her ride home. She said she overheard him talking to other men about her body. Then, she said, it got worse, as he grabbed her arm and touched her breast. “I was in shock,” Virginia said. “I flinched. He said, ‘Don’t you know who I am?’ I felt intimidated and powerless. I said ‘yes.’” Virginia said she better understood what happened five years later when she once again ran into Trump, and he looked her “up and down in a lecherous manner.”

Trump addressed the allegations in a statement. “Discredited political operative Gloria Allred [who represented Virginia], in another coordinated, publicity seeking attack with the [Hillary] Clinton campaign, will stop at nothing to smear Mr. Trump. Give me a break,” it read in part.

Cathy Heller

Cathy Heller said she met Trump in the late ’90s when her family had brunch at Mar-a-Lago. Her mother-in-law was a member of the club and introduced her to Trump, she said. When Heller offered him her hand, she told People in October 2016, Trump “took it and pulled her towards him to kiss her on the mouth.” Heller alleged that Trump became angry when she pulled away. “He really grabbed me and he was holding me very tight to kiss me on the mouth,” she told the magazine. But she said she avoided the kiss. “I was able to turn my head a little,” she said. “So he didn’t get my whole mouth.”

Trump’s spokesman shot down what he called a “bogus claim.”

Samantha Holvey

Samantha Holvey, the 2006 Miss North Carolina USA, said Trump made her feel “the dirtiest I felt in my entire life.” She said in an October 2016 interview with CNN that Miss USA contestants were subjected to Trump’s scrutiny during a New York City event the month before the national pageant. “He would step in front of each girl and look you over from head to toe like we were just meat, we were just sexual objects, that we were not people,” Holvey told the news network. “You know when a gross guy at the bar is checking you out? It’s that feeling.”

Trump denied the accusations through a statement from the White House, as Holvey appeared with two other accusers on Megyn Kelly Today in December 2017. “These false claims, totally disputed in most cases by eyewitness accounts, were addressed at length during last year’s campaign, and the American people voiced their judgment by delivering a decisive victory,” the White House statement said. “The timing and absurdity of these claims speak volumes. And the publicity tour that has begun only further confirms the political motives behind them.”

Mindy McGillivray

Mindy McGillivray said Trump groped her while she was working as a photographer’s assistant during a Ray Charles concert at Mar-a-Lago. After the show, McGillivray said Trump was one of several people standing around as Charles left the venue, when she felt “a grab, a little nudge.” “I think it’s [the photographer’s] camera bag, that was my first instinct,” she told the Palm Beach Post in October 2016. “I turn around and there’s Donald. He sort of looked away quickly. I quickly turned back, facing Ray Charles, and I’m stunned.’’ Asked whether it could have been something else, McGillivray said no. “This was a pretty good nudge. More of a grab,’’ she said. “It was pretty close to the center of my butt. I was startled. I jumped.’’

Natasha Stoynoff

Natasha Stoynoff poses in Toronto on Jan. 18, 2017. (Photo: Andrew Francis Wallace/Toronto Star via Getty Images)
Natasha Stoynoff poses in Toronto on Jan. 18, 2017. (Photo: Andrew Francis Wallace/Toronto Star via Getty Images)

Natasha Stoynoff interviewed Trump and his wife, Melania, for a People feature story at his Mar-a-Lago estate in December 2005. During a break from the interview, Melania went to change, and Trump took Stoynoff to see a “tremendous” room in the mansion, Stoynoff wrote in an October 2016 story for the magazine. “We walked into that room alone, and Trump shut the door behind us. I turned around, and within seconds he was pushing me against the wall and forcing his tongue down my throat.” Stoynoff said the two were interrupted by Trump’s butler, who said Melania had returned. Once the butler left, Stoynoff said Trump said to her, “You know we’re going to have an affair, don’t you?” Stoynoff wrote that she asked to be moved off the Trump beat.

A spokeswoman for Trump denied the allegations. “This never happened,” she said. “There is no merit or veracity to this fabricated story.”

Tasha Dixon

Tasha Dixon attends a benefit in Beverly Hills on March 18, 2011. (Photo: Paul Archuleta/FilmMagic)
Tasha Dixon attends a benefit in Beverly Hills on March 18, 2011. (Photo: Paul Archuleta/FilmMagic)

Tasha Dixon told CBS2 Los Angeles in October 2016 that when she was Miss Arizona USA in 2001, Trump would walk in on the contestants as they were changing. “Our first introduction to him was when we were at the dress rehearsal and half-naked changing into our bikinis,” Dixon said. “He just came strolling right in. There was no second to put a robe on or any sort of clothing or anything. Some girls were topless. Other girls were naked.”

She said it was a tough spot “to have the owner come waltzing in when we’re naked or half-naked, in a very physically vulnerable position, and then to have the pressure of the people that worked for him telling us to go fawn all over him, go walk up to him, talk to him, get his attention.”

The Trump campaign denied the accusations.

Cassandra Searles

Miss Washington USA Cassandra Searles competes in the 2013 Miss USA pageant. (Photo: Michael Stewart/WireImage)
Miss Washington USA Cassandra Searles competes in the 2013 Miss USA pageant. (Photo: Michael Stewart/WireImage)

Cassandra Searles, Miss Washington USA in 2013, shared a Facebook post in June 2016 in which she called out Trump, then the pageant’s owner, and accused him of sexual misconduct. “Do y’all remember that one time we had to do our onstage introductions, but this one guy treated us like cattle and made us do it again because we didn’t look him in the eyes?” she wrote alongside a photo of that year’s competitors with Trump. “Do you also remember when he then proceeded to have us lined up so he could get a closer look at his property?” Searles hashtagged the post “#?HeWillProbablySueMe ??#?iHaveWorseStoriesSoComeAtMeBro? #Drumpf.” Other contestants tagged in the photo added their own comments. Searles herself added, “He probably doesn’t want me telling the story about that time he continually grabbed my ass and invited me to his hotel room.”

Jill Harth

In July 2016, Jill Harth said she met Trump in the early ’90s and he made unwelcome sexual advances. He allegedly groped her under the table at a meeting with beauty pageant contestants. Another time, as she toured Mar-a-Lago after a business meeting, Trump pulled her aside, Harth told the Guardian. “He pushed me up against the wall, and had his hands all over me and tried to get up my dress again,” Harth said, “and I had to physically say: ‘What are you doing? Stop it.’ It was a shocking thing to have him do this because he knew I was with George; he knew they were in the next room. And how could he be doing this when I’m there for business?” Harth filed a sexual harassment lawsuit against Trump in 1997. The suit was reportedly dropped as part of the settlement of another lawsuit for breach of contract brought by Harth’s business partner. Harth told the New York Times that, in 1998, she willingly entered into a romance with Trump for several months.

The Trump campaign produced emails from Harth expressing her support for the candidate and requesting a job.

Temple Taggart McDowell

Attorney Gloria Allred and Temple Taggart McDowell hold a news conference on Oct. 28, 2016. (Photo: Chad Hurst/Getty Images)
Attorney Gloria Allred and Temple Taggart McDowell hold a news conference on Oct. 28, 2016. (Photo: Chad Hurst/Getty Images)

In May 2016, Temple Taggart McDowell alleged in a New York Times story that Trump kissed her “directly on the lips.” She was 21 at the time, serving as Miss Utah USA 1997, while Trump was the owner of the Miss USA pageant.

She elaborated during an October 2016 interview with CNN. Twice, she said, Trump kissed her on the lips without her consent. The first time was during a rehearsal for the Miss USA pageant, she said, and she wondered whether that was just how people in the East Coast treated each other when they met. A few weeks after the pageant, she said, he invited her to his office to be introduced to modeling agencies.

“I went out there and when his receptionist called him back when he came out to greet me, he gave me another embrace and a kiss, and it was a little different this time; it kind of felt like, it just felt like a little bit more to me,” she said. “To me it was like, ‘I hope he knows I’m here for business.’”

Trump responded with a statement in October 2016: “I don’t even know who she is,” he said of McDowell. “She claims this took place in a public area. I never kissed her. I emphatically deny this ridiculous claim.”

Bridget Sullivan

In May 2016, Bridget Sullivan spoke with Buzzfeed about her experiences with Trump when she was Miss New Hampshire USA 2000. She described a time that he walked through the dressing room when the contestants were naked. She also said that when she was introduced to him at a party in New York, “he’d hug you just a little low on your back.” She also said Trump gave “a squeeze that your creepy uncle would.”

A Trump spokeswoman said some claims in the story, which included interviews from many former pageant contestants, were “totally false.”

Jennifer Murphy

A contestant on the fourth season of The Apprentice, which aired in 2005, and a former Miss Oregon USA, Jennifer Murphy revealed in a November 2016 YouTube video that Trump had once kissed her. She shared her story in a tongue-in-cheek video with “I Kissed a Girl” playing in the background, calling for viewers to join her in getting Trump into the White House.

At least one woman apparently isn’t upset about her interactions with Trump.

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