President Biden says it 'remains to be seen' whether or not he'll run for reelection in 2024

On Sunday’s season premiere of 60 Minutes, President Joe Biden addressed the possibility of running for reelection in 2024. Whether or not the president should run again is a prospect that has become an issue some Democrats have shied away from. Though Biden has said in the past that he expects to run again, first lady Jill Biden said recently that the two haven’t discussed it. Biden said it has yet to be decided.

“Look, my intention I said to begin with is that I would run again, but it’s just an intention. But is it a firm decision that I run again? That remains to be seen,” Biden said, later adding, “It’s much too early to make that kind of decision. I’m a great respecter of fate, and so what I’m doing is I’m doing my job, and we’re gonna do that job. And within the time frame that makes sense, after this next election cycle here, going into next year, make a judgment of what to do.”

Biden is already the oldest president ever to serve, but he believes his performance as commander in chief is what should matter, not his age. Biden has enjoyed a string of successes as president, ranging from the historic infrastructure bill, to climate change legislation, to healthcare for veterans, among other things.

“I respect the fact that people would say, you know, ‘You’re old,’ but I think it relates to how much energy you have,” Biden said, “and whether or not the job you’re doing is one consistent with what any person of any age would be able to do.”

60 Minutes airs Sundays after football on CBS.

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