Rocking the Docks: National bands headline Delaware summer concert series. Tickets on sale

Get ready for 10 weeks of musical bliss as the Lewes Concert Series kicks off on Wednesday, June 12. Tickets are on sale now at Kids aged 12 or younger get in free.

"Rocking the Docks" features food trucks, beer from Dogfish Head, and notable music acts like The Record Company, The Amish Outlaws, Lower Case Blues (who just dropped their new album, "Take it For a Ride"), Carbon Leaf and more.

With a colorful lineup of national touring acts, tribute bands and local talent, the return of "Rocking the Docks" will be a treat for veterans of the concert series, and for all the new kids on the dock.

This outdoor music series is on the green at the Lewes Ferry terminal, starting at 6 p.m., from Wednesday, June 12 to Wednesday, Aug. 14.

New this year is a dedicated food truck schedule that rotates every show throughout the summer. Another new feature is the Vendor Market, according to press materials. 

Guests will see local vendors on tap like Mojave Salt, Surf Lotus, Jenny Leigh Boutique, and others.

The Dewey Beach Picnic Co.‘s VIP tent is back with upgrades to stage viewing and other perks. VIP ticket holders have early access at 5 p.m. and have a private bar under the shaded tent.

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Here's the schedule of "Rocking the Docks" concerts, according to organizers:

'Rocking the Docks' concerts are held at Lewes Ferry terminal (43 Cape Henlopen Drive, Lewes) starting at 6 p.m., from Wednesday, June 12 to Wednesday, Aug. 14. For tickets and more info, visit

If you have an interesting story idea, email lifestyle reporter Andre Lamar at [email protected]. Consider signing up for his weekly newsletter, DO Delaware, at

This article originally appeared on Delaware News Journal: Rolling Stones tribute, others headline Delaware summer concert series