Internet Evidently Unaware Rue McClanahan Has Been Dead for 5 Years

Rue McClanahan | Photo Credits: Corbis

This is your regular friendly reminder to check the dates on stories before you click "share."

On Friday, news of Rue McClanahan's death at age 76 started trending on Facebook and Twitter. And the former Golden Girls star did in fact die... five years ago.

This CBS obituary from 2010 has been making the rounds on Facebook today. It's dated June 3, 2010, so even if the year was right, social media mourners would still be about a week behind. Embarrassing.

Marc Cherry, Betty White share memories of Rue McClanahan

Interestingly, it's not the only celebrity death hoax today: News of Ruby Dee's death has also been getting shared (including a couple posts from actor Danny Glover).

She died one year ago yesterday, making the news of her passing marginally more timely.

Most celebrity death hoaxes go the other way, where Twitter freaks out about a star dying when they're still alive. A refreshing change of pace!

Which celebrity death would you like to be forced to relive?

TODAY'S VIDEO: Celebrate the return of Orange is the New Black by making prison cheesecake!