Are scorpions deadly? Here's how to avoid getting stung in your home or yard

Whether you’re an Arizona native or just visiting, you've almost certainly wondered about scorpions.

About 40 to 60 species of these arachnids live in the Grand Canyon State, according to the Arizona Department of Agriculture.

Scorpions can be a fear for many people due to their pincers, stingers and venom.

Shaku Nair, an entomologist and associate in extension at the University of Arizona, said scorpions are more related to spiders and ticks than to insects.

“I think scorpions are really fascinating predatory arachnids, that are actually (distributed) worldwide, and we have some really cool species in the desert Southwest and especially in Arizona,” Nair said.

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Are scorpions in Arizona poisonous?

According to the Mayo Clinic, scorpion stings can hurt but are “rarely life-threatening.”

Very few scorpion deaths have been reported in the U.S.

Nair said the Arizona bark scorpion is the only one in the state that is "medically significant," or likely to cause dangerous symptoms.

What happens if a scorpion stings you?

According to the article “Scorpions of the Desert Southwest United States” by Dawn H. Gouge, Shujuan (Lucy) Li, Christopher Bibbs and Nair, extreme symptoms of a scorpion sting are “severe pain, loss of muscle control, roving or abnormal eye movements, slurred speech, respiratory distress, excessive salivation, frothing at the mouth, airway obstruction and vomiting.”

Get medical attention immediately if such symptoms are present.

The article also says that if a child who is 9 or younger or weighs less than 70 pounds is stung, seek medical treatment immediately.

According to the Mayo Clinic, the older or younger you are, the more likely you are to die of an untreated venomous scorpion sting. This is primarily because of heart or respiratory failure hours after the sting. A severe allergic reaction (anaphylaxis) to scorpion stings is also possible.

If you are stung by a scorpion, call your doctor, go to an urgent care facility or call the Arizona Poison Control and Drug Information Center at 800-222-1222.

What does a scorpion sting look like?

A scorpion sting first appears as a red bump. Later, depending on the species and how much venom goes into your body, the diameter of the bump might expand. It can last for a few hours to a week or more.

Are scorpions harmful to household pets?

No. If a scorpion stings an animal, it will probably cause some pain, Nair said. But the stings are generally not harmful.

If your pet is stung, monitor it for symptoms and call your vet for next steps.

What attracts scorpions in a house?

Scorpions are typically outdoor creatures and don’t tend to nest inside homes. However, they can crawl in while following prey like crickets, cockroaches and other insects.

Or they come in search of water or to avoid extreme temperatures. On a super-hot or rainy day, you may find a scorpion inside attempting to escape the harsh weather.

Scorpions frequently enter through gaps around doors or windows.

According to Magic Pest Control, scorpion season can start in March and go until October. Bark scorpions can be found at all times of the year.

Should I be worried if I find a scorpion in my house?

If you find a scorpion in your house, don’t panic.

It is not a cause of worry, Nair said. You can carefully catch the arachnid in a cup or container turned over and slip a piece of paper under it. You can then pick up the enclosure and release the scorpion outside.

If you have little children, older adults or people with health concerns in your home, it's important to be vigilant for scorpions.

Do scorpions climb into beds?

Scorpions can climb up vertical surfaces if they have a sufficient grip. They can climb textured walls and hang upside down for a little.

However, they don’t purposely crawl into a bed, Nair said. They are just exploring, and it isn’t super common to find them under your sheets. Scorpions are also not blood feeders, so they aren’t seeking out humans.

Can scorpions swim?

If you happen to find a scorpion in a pool, chances are it probably will float for 10 to 15 minutes before it eventually drowns because scorpions can't swim for extended periods of time, Nair said.

Does one scorpion mean more?

Not necessarily.

Nair said that while Arizona bark scorpions do like to congregate, they don’t hunt as a group. So, seeing one in your house doesn't necessarily mean more will follow.

There is a possibility that more are outside in the landscape or yard, however. But they don’t follow one another or communicate about food sources.

How to prevent scorpions in your house

Nair said she doesn’t recommend spraying pesticide indoors. The best way to keep critters out is to pest proof and make sure your windows and doors are tight and don’t have gaps in, under or around them. You should also keep screens in good condition.

If you don’t know where scorpions may be resting, Nair suggests going around your yard with a black light at night to spot where they gather. They will glow a blueish-green color under the light and be much easier to see.

Some people put pesticide around their yards, but Nair doesn’t recommend it because scorpions can sense the chemicals and may even go on their tippy toes to avoid them.

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If you are concerned about scorpions in your yard, try diatomaceous earth, which can be found on Amazon or in garden stores.

You can put this powder on block walls, under rocks or spots where scorpions might hide. It’s not necessary to dust all over your yard.

The powder can damage the exoskeletons of scorpions and insects, causing them to dehydrate and die. It doesn't kill them instantly.

What smell do scorpions hate?

Nair said she doesn’t think scorpions would be repelled by things that normally repel other insects because scorpions are not bothered by plant odor. So, lemongrass and peppermint may not deter a scorpion.

Do scorpions make noise?

Scorpions are not known to make sounds similar to crickets or other insects that use high-pitched noises to communicate.

Should you be scared of scorpions in Arizona?

“I don't think people should be scared of them,” Nair said. “I think people should understand them. Because it's not possible to eliminate scorpions from our environment. We are in their territory basically.”

Landscaping and construction drive scorpions out of their natural habitat, Nair said. Otherwise, they tend to mind their own business.

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This article originally appeared on Arizona Republic: Scorpion facts: Can they kill you and how to repel them