Stephen Colbert mocks A.G. Barr, reveals he already has Bolton's book DOJ is suing to stop

U.S. Attorney General William Barr would not have been happy if he happened to catch The Late Show With Stephen Colbert Tuesday night. Earlier in the day, Barr’s Justice Department filed a lawsuit against former national security advisor John Bolton to stop the release of his tell-all book The Room Where it Happened: A White House Memoir. Barr seemingly just became aware that the book was already printed and is set for release next week. The book is believed to contain potentially damaging stories about President Trump, and Colbert already has a copy. And since Colbert learned of the lawsuit while shooting his monologue, Colbert decided to have some fun at Barr’s expense.

“Hey, Attorney General Doofus, according to sources, I got this last Friday,” Colbert said while holding up a copy of the book, then added, tossing the book back and forth between his hands like playing Hot Potato, “Ooh ooh ooh, secret book. Secret book. Hot, hot, hot. Burning my hands with all the hot, hot secret juice.”

The Trump administration had taken multiple steps earlier this year to delay the release of the book, and Colbert will be delayed from revealing what he’s read until next week, but for good reason.

“Now the book is under embargo, which means that I’ve received it, but I can’t say anything about what’s inside of it until next Tuesday when John Bolton is on my show,” Colbert said, “unless you clap him in leg irons and then send black ops to halo jump into my locale, penetrate the perimeter of my nightstand and remove the classified document I’ve been resting my iced tea on.”

Colbert said he hasn’t read it yet because it’s really long and has no sympathetic characters, but did give viewers a sneak peek of what’s hopefully not in the book.

“Ooooh! Ooooh!” Colbert said opening the book, “so that’s how the turkey earned his pardon.” Then with a gasp, “Mike Pence tried skim milk. Does mother know?” Then, turning the book sideways, “And what’s this?” Colbert asked. “Ah yeah, the centerfold. So, the mustache does match the carpet.”

The Late Show With Stephen Colbert airs weeknights at 11:35 p.m. on CBS.

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