Summer House’s Jesse Solomon Reflects on How His Life Has Changed After Reality TV Debut

Fans have been getting to know Jesse Solomon ever since he joined the cast of Summer House's season 8, which premiered in February. He tells Life & Style exclusively how his life has changed after going from working in finance to becoming a reality star.

"It's pretty similar just outside of the fact that like I went to the Bahamas last weekend and so many people stopped me and asked for photos, which was super cool," Jesse, 30, ?explains, revealing it led to a somewhat embarrassing experience.

"The first girl that recognized me was like, 'Jesse Solomon?! Can I take a shot out of your chest dent?' I was like 'yes, of course!' But then it got put on social media and everybody was like 'why are you letting this random girl chug out of your chest?' I was like 'I don't know, it was funny at the time,'" he ?jokes.

"But yeah, I think just like I'm getting invited to cool events and brands are hitting me up. It's everything you would think once you're on reality TV," the former financial services executive shared.

Jesse ?gives more insight as to how he got cast on the show, too. "Kyle [Cooke] and I had met in the city and the producers reached out to me and it was a really quick process from there. They hit me up on June 14th and I was out in the Hamptons filming by July 2nd. It was a bang bang play. Everybody was super great. It was like what am I doing, but why not? I'm really glad I did it," he ?recalls.

Summer House s Jesse Solomon on How Life Changed After Reality TV
Summer House s Jesse Solomon on How Life Changed After Reality TV

The University of Miami graduate ?reveals, however, that he had "a bunch" of hesitations about joining Summer House.

"I was pretty nervous about the whole thing. I'm like a finance bro working in New York City, I worked at a publicly traded company, and it's not a good look to be getting hammered and hooking up with girls on national television. I'm sure there's like a lot of compliance regulations but I just thought this was a more fun path," he says, adding, "I wanted to go party in the Hamptons and make some new friends and I'm glad I did."

Fortunately, Kyle was able to help get Jesse prepared for being a reality TV star. "I sat down with Kyle for two-hour long drinks and just really talked through everything. He gave me a lot of good advice. I think he's probably f--ked up everything that you could possible f--k up at least once," he says with a laugh about his pal.

Jesse ?adds, "He was really helpful and really nice and welcoming. Most of the cast were nice and welcoming but it just took a little time for everybody to warm up to me. I think I came in a little hot, but I am what I am!"

Jesse spoke to Life & Style after teaming up with Movember, the leading global charity changing the face of men’s health, to spread the word on their "Know Thy Nuts" campaign. He's five-years cancer-free after battling testicular cancer, which he has discussed during his season on Summer House.

Reporting by Fortune Benatar

Summer House airs Thursdays at 9 p.m. ET/PT on Bravo.