The Super-Easy Pancakes Kevin Bacon Makes Every Sunday for His Wife (Aww)

Kevin Bacon's Power Pancakes

Let's talk about goats for a minute. No, not the farm animal lately found in niche yoga studies; I’m talking about GOATs as in the "Greatest of All Time." When you think of GOATs, certain names come to mind. There are the obvious: Michael Jordan, Michael Jackson and Mike Tyson. But for this conversation, we're focusing in on the GOATs of breakfast—pancakes, eggs and bacon.

In my opinion, there’s no better trio that can be served together early on a Saturday morning. The only thing that could make this breakfast any better is to have one of your favorite movies playing in the background—and that’s where the two worlds start to meet for this next piece.

You may be asking yourself, what could GOATs, pancakes and Hollywood have in common? The connection might not be so apparent until I share that one of Hollywood’s GOATs recently shared his recipe for pancakes, and oddly enough this GOAT’s last name just so happens to be...bacon.

That’s right, Kevin Bacon, the iconic star from FootlooseTremors, Hollow Man and Leave the World Behind has given his fans a behind-the-scenes look at his interesting recipe for "Power Pancakes," a dish he makes often for his dear wife, Kyra Sedgwick. With all of these many layers of fandom colliding, I knew I had to give the recipe a try. Here's how it went.

Get the recipe: Kevin Bacon's "Power Pancakes"

Kevin Bacon's Power Pancakes Ingredients <p>Courtesy of Dante Parker</p>
Kevin Bacon's Power Pancakes Ingredients

Courtesy of Dante Parker

Ingredients for Kevin Bacon’s "Power Pancakes"

This pancake recipe is probably one of the shortest that I’ve ever seen. And surprisingly, it doesn’t call for any flour, milk, butter or oil.

To make your very own batch, all you'll need is an egg, a banana, some blueberries, cinnamon and about two tablespoons of almond butter. (You'll need to double or triple the ingredients depending on how many pancakes you plan on serving.)

Kevin Bacon's Power Pancakes Process<p>Courtesy of Dante Parker</p>
Kevin Bacon's Power Pancakes Process

Courtesy of Dante Parker

How to Make Kevin Bacon’s "Power Pancakes"

Mix your banana, egg and almond butter together in a small bowl. Bacon recommends mixing everything by hand instead of using a blender to prevent the batter from becoming too soupy.

Warm some butter in a skillet over medium heat, and pour in your batter in fist-sized dollops. As the batter begins to bubble, add the blueberries on top and flip the pancakes. Allow them to cook until they're browned on both sides, about 1-2 minutes. After that, stack up the pancakes, grab your favorite syrup and prepare to dig in.

Related: Kevin Bacon Swears by One Ingredient for a Moist Turkey: 'It Was Slamming'

What I Thought About Kevin Bacon’s "Power Pancakes"

I will agree with Mr. Bacon that these pancakes are healthy, but that’s about all they have going for them. Maybe healthy pancakes aren’t my thing, but I expect a bit more flavor and excitement when it comes to pancakes. If I were to take my buttery-greasy-sugar-loving hat off, however, I would probably agree that these are a good healthy alternative to traditional pancakes.

I will say that the blueberries add the only bit of flavor to the batch and the cinnamon does bring out the flavor of the banana. If it weren't for the addition of some maple syrup though, these pancakes wouldn’t taste like much.

Kevin Bacon's Power Pancakes Final<p>Courtesy of Dante Parker</p>
Kevin Bacon's Power Pancakes Final

Courtesy of Dante Parker

Tips for Making Kevin Bacon’s "Power Pancakes"

Make it your own. If I could, I would go back and add a bit more cinnamon to the batter. I would also include either some brown sugar, honey or butter to the batter to give it that flavor I'm searching for.

Up next: Dolly Parton’s Secret Ingredient for the Best-Ever Coleslaw