Eboni Williams

  • Entertainment
    Yahoo Entertainment

    First Black 'RHONY' star praised for making a big statement during her debut

    Viewers gladly welcomed Eboni K. Williams with open arms following the subtle, but powerful, statement she made in her very first scene.

  • News
    Yahoo TV

    ‘Fox News Specialists’: Eric Bolling’s New Show Is Not So Special

    One of the more inexplicable stars of the Fox News channel is Eric Bolling, once one-fifth of “The Five” and now one-fifth of “The Fox News Specialists,” the show that has replaced “The Five” at 5 p.m. Confused? Not as much as Bolling is, routinely. A beefy former commodities trader who always looks as though he’s shaking off a brain-rattling tackle on the football field, Bolling somehow gained the confidence of Fox News executives a few years ago.

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