Jackson Browne

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    Yahoo Music

    Jackson Browne talks Haiti benefit, 'outrage fatigue,' and climate deniers

    "This is a very difficult time for all of us, but you have to persevere," says the renowned singer-songwriter and longtime activist.

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    Ken Tucker

    Did Anybody Watch the ‘Roadies’ Finale?

    Between the VMAs and the finale of The Night Of, it would seem unlikely that many people tuned in to see the season (series?) finale of Roadies, but then again, over the past few weeks, I’ve noticed a slight increase in Roadies-awareness in my Twitter feed and elsewhere. There seems to be a revisionist opinion settling in about Cameron Crowe’s Showtime series: Yes, it’s not great, but on its own terms, it’s certainly the mainstream-rock nostalgia-machine + good-acting show to watch if you can g

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