Jordan Schlansky

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    Yahoo TV

    Conan makes a fool of himself as a tourist in Italy

    Some of Conan's silly shenanigans included drawing a large penis on himself in a drawing class and playing farting sounds on a portable speaker.

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    Superfan TV

    The Best of ‘Conan’s’ First 6 Years on TBS

    Six years ago today, November 8th, Conan premiered on TBS. Has it been that long? Wow, we should celebrate! Anyway, after the Denim Dan of Late Night (Jay Leno) decided he wanted a victory lap on The Tonight Show, before he dumped it on the Giggliest Boy of Comedy (Jimmy Fallon), Jay Leno booted O’Brien from his spot, and Conan was born out of those ashes.

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    Darth Vader Replica Mask Reviewed on?‘Conan,’ Hilarity Ensues

    On Conan, Jordan Schlansky gave a breakdown of his recently purchased Darth Vader replica mask — and Conan destroyed everything Schlansky loved it.

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