Late Show

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    Renée Zellweger reveals 'humiliating' encounter with Jimmy Carter

    The "Judy" star confessed she has "a bit of a soft spot for Jimmy Carter."

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    The Wrap

    Stephen Colbert Breaks Down the College Admissions Bribery Scandal – and Brings Back ‘Filliam H Muffman’ (Video)

    Stephen Colbert kicked off Tuesday’s episode of “The Late Show” with a discussion of the college admission bribery scandal — and in the process briefly revived one of the most memorable jokes from his “The Colbert Report” days.“You know how conspiracy theorists say everything is rigged for the wealthy and famous?” Colbert began. “Well, as a wealthy, famous person, let me just respond by saying you’re absolutely right.”Colbert broke down the scandal — in which 46 individuals, including Felicity H

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    Yahoo Celebrity

    Ellen Page calls out Chris Pratt for supporting an 'infamously' anti-LGBTQ church

    In a recent interview, Ellen Page said she is "not afraid to say the truth" — and Thursday she served up a truth bomb directed at Chris Pratt on Twitter.

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    Yahoo TV

    'Late Show' writer apologizes for 'tone-deaf' Brett Kavanaugh tweet — but Kathy Griffin is standing by her

    While many saw the comedy writer's tweet about Kavanaugh's life being "ruined" as sarcastic, conservatives were quick to shame her.

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    Superfan TV

    Idina Menzel and Andrew Garfield Star in Movie Made by Kids on ‘Late Show’

    After?Monster Trucks?proved that you can get a movie idea from a 4-year-old, Stephen Colbert invited a think tank of kids to The Late Show to come up with the next blockbuster. The kids cooked up a lot of great ideas, including robot monster pigs, a German spy who?is caught in Idaho, and babies who are made by recipes. Young Annabelle had a lot of thoughts on the bad guy, like that the bad guy was not actually a man, but a woman.

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    Colbert’s Condiment Cam Catches Fox News Anchor Hoarding Mustard at RNC

    The Late Show with Stephen Colbert sent a social media team to Cleveland to cover the RNC, and despite the raucous nature of what’s being shown on television, the team got quite bored. Near the end of the live stream, the camera caught something very strange: Fox News anchor Bret Baier putting mustard in a water bottle. Naturally, Colbert had to have some fun with it.

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    Jude Law and Stephen Colbert Put Funny Twist on Classic 'Titanic' Scene

    On Tuesday’s Late Show with Stephen Colbert, Jude Law joined the host for a segment called "Late Show Ping-Pong Eyeball Acting."

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    Ken Tucker

    Better Know A Socialist: Bernie Sanders Visited Stephen Colbert

    Bernie Sanders made an entertaining yet instructive appearance on The Late Show on Friday night, faring much better in the politically-essential late-night joke arena than Hillary Clinton, Jeb Bush, and Donald Trump have thus far. In his opening moments, host Stephen Colbert noted that Sanders is polling higher than Clinton in Iowa and New Hampshire, adding, “Hillary Clinton’s got the name recognition, she’s got tons of cash… But a funny thing happened on the way to her nomination, and it’s Ver

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    Ken Tucker

    Stephen Colbert 'Late Show' Premiere Review: A Wild, Funny Night

    The Late Show With Stephen Colbert premiered on Tuesday night with an extra-long edition that confirmed Colbert’s gift for being himself: enthusiastic, funny, and warm; un-ironic and certainly not his Colbert Report blowhard character.? The debut’s high point was Colbert’s interview with Jeb Bush: a substantive, frequently funny, occasionally surprising segment. I particularly liked the way Bush and Colbert dissected the Republican candidate’s campaign logo: “Jeb!” Here, Bush had the best lines:

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    Ethan Alter

    Your TV To-Do List: Stephen Colbert Makes His 'Late Show' Debut

    With so much to watch on TV, it can be difficult to plan ahead. But we’re here to help! Here are the five shows you won’t want to miss this week.

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    Ken Tucker

    Can Stephen Colbert's 'Late Show' Be a Big Hit?

    Stephen Colbert begins his tenure as host of the?Late Show the night after Labor Day, and I’ve realized that I’m looking forward to it the way other people look forward to the first day of baseball or football season. From this perspective, count me as rooting, at least until his performance proves otherwise (sports fans are fickle), for Team Colbert.? Colbert has already distinguished himself decisively from the David Letterman reign. When I saw him at a panel at this summer’s Television Crit

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    Ken Tucker

    Stephen Colbert Offers 'Late Show' Preview at TCA: 'I Want to Do Donald Trump Jokes So Bad'

    Stephen Colbert presided genially over CBS’s Television Critics Association?press conference in Los Angeles on Monday that served as a preview of what his Late Show will be like when he premieres the new version on Sept 8. More than anything, Colbert is eager to get started. We knew George Clooney would be his first guest; Colbert said Kendrick Lamar would be the first musical guest “I want to do Donald Trump jokes so badly,” he said. “Right now, I’m just dry-Trumping… I hope he takes his vitami

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