Taking the mantle from Elden Ring fans, Hollow Knight Silksong hopefuls are going feral over the Metroidvania's first hidden Steam update in 14 months

 Hollow Knight.
Hollow Knight.

Hollow Knight Silksong's community is reacting as normally as you'd expect at a supposed brand new Steam update, but the whole thing isn't as simple as it seems.

Yesterday, March 3, the Hollow Knight community noted that Silksong had been manually updated on Steam, supposedly for the first time in since around January 2023. The long-awaited game being updated for the first time in 14 months has got everyone in a bit of a frenzy, which should come as no surprise whatsoever if you've been following Silksong in the five years since it was first announced.

However, the "14 months claim" isn't entirely accurate. Heading over to the SteamDB entry for Silksong, you can hit the 'Update History' section for a complete look at all the backend updates developer Team Cherry has made to the Hollow Knight sequel since it was listed on Steam for the very first time.

The thing is, the update in particular that the post above is referencing has its details hidden from public view. All the other updates for Silksong, such as the one yesterday on March 3, focus on changing the user and store-based tags for Silksong, which is pretty small potatoes, and probably why Team Cherry has no issue making the update public.

The update the Reddit post above is mentioning, which occurred the day prior on March 2, has its details hidden, so we don't know what's going on behind the scenes with the update, or what it's actually changed. This could well be a similarly small-scale update for Silksong on Steam, or it could be a major change - you can probably guess which one Silksong's community is hoping for.

Some fans are pointing to how Elden Ring had multiple updates on Steam just a few weeks before Shadow of the Erdtree's release date was revealed. We'd need to see a fair few more Steam updates for Silksong to match this expectation, but right now it's not outside the realms of possibility, and that's good enough for plenty of Silksong fans out there.

Hollow Knight Silksong devs are still "hard at work" on the sequel as of last month, when the fifth anniversary of the game's reveal came and went.