Taylor Swift takes on Trump, says she's 'obviously' pro-choice: I'll 'do everything I can for 2020'

Taylor Swift isn't backing down from publicly sharing her political beliefs. (Take that, Kid Rock.) In an interview with The Guardian, the "Lover" singer voiced her unhappiness with the current political climate. Swift explained that she started feeling conflicted about what America stood for when "all the dirtiest tricks in the book were used and it worked."

"We’re a democracy — at least, we’re supposed to be — where you’re allowed to disagree, dissent, debate," she said. "I really think that [Trump] thinks this is an autocracy."

Swift described the atmosphere in the U.S. as "gaslighting the American public into being like, 'If you hate the president, you hate America.'"

The Grammy-winning singer issued another mea culpa for staying silent during the 2016 presidential election, confirming she would have endorsed Hillary Clinton. Swift explained (again) that the thrashing her reputation took after Kanye West-Kim Kardashian Snapchatgate made her feel "just useless" and "maybe even like a hindrance." Still, Swift said she felt "really remorseful for not saying anything."

"I was just trying to protect my mental health — not read the news very much, go cast my vote, tell people to vote," she said. That period in 2016 was especially tumultuous as her mother's cancer came back. "I just knew what I could handle and I knew what I couldn’t. I was literally about to break."

Ahead of the 2020 presidential election, Swift is planning to do more than just encourage people to vote. The musician has already become much more politically active and direct, introducing a petition in support of the federal Equality Act in June. She made her stance clear on LGBTQ rights after a disheartening talk with singer and friend, Todrick Hall, and she just did the same on the topic of women’s rights.

"Obviously, I’m pro-choice," Swift declared. "I just can’t believe this is happening.” She pledged to “do everything I can for 2020."

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