Texas Football tabs Longhorn celebrity, rising star to voice Week 2 hype video

Bob Hope Award for Excellence in Entertainment recipient Glenn Powell laughs during an interview during the Patriot Awards Gala hosted by the Medal of Honor Convention at the Knoxville Conventional Center on Saturday, Sept. 10, 2022.

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Bob Hope Award for Excellence in Entertainment recipient Glenn Powell laughs during an interview during the Patriot Awards Gala hosted by the Medal of Honor Convention at the Knoxville Conventional Center on Saturday, Sept. 10, 2022. Mohpatriotawardsgala 0203

Glenn Powell is one of the hottest names in Hollywood. Since his breakout performance in Top Gun: Maverick, Powell has moved from aspiring actor to A-Lister.

The actor grew up in Austin and attended the University of Texas Moody College of Communications, but left to pursue his acting career. Powell expects to complete his degree in 2025, schedule permitting.

One of Powell's first big roles was in Everybody Wants Some, Richard Linklater spiritual sequel to Dazed and Confused

A huge Longhorns football fan, Powell was on the sideline during last week's dominant win over Colorado State. Now the program has tabbed Powell to do the voice over for the Week 2 Michigan game hype video.

It's nice that Matthew McConaughey has some celebrity company supporting the Horns.

This article originally appeared on Longhorns Wire: Texas Football tabs Longhorn celebrity, rising star to voice Week 2 hype video