Theater reviews: It's a hit and a miss as 'Casa Valentina' and 'Robin Hood' take the stage

New shows are up at The Provincetown Theater and the Academy of Performing Arts in Orleans. Here's what our reviewers had to say about Harvey Fierstein’s “Casa Valentina” and Mark Roderick's adaptation of "Robin Hood."

First, a quick overview of the two shows:

In its production of Harvey Fierstein’s “Casa Valentina,” The Provincetown Theater deftly combines an unflinching exploration of homophobia and transphobia with searing drama and — just for good measure — a liberal seasoning of expertly delivered humorous one-liners. The show seems particularly meaningful in this period when the LGBTQ community is under attack and issues around gender identity are in the headlines daily. And it’s eye-opening to see that 60 years ago — when this show is set — people were dealing with the same heart-wrenching issues that color our lives and relationships today. It does make you wonder how far society has really come.

Despite some stellar supporting performances, the Academy of Performing Arts adaptation of “Robin Hood” fails to capture the spirit of the classic folk tale. While Mark Roderick deserves credit for writing, directing, and starring in this brand new adaptation, he lacks the light comedic touch that the role demands. Still, Sean Whalen is just about perfect as the scheming Sheriff of Nottingham. His pathetic attempts to win the hand of Maid Marion had me roaring with laughter. And Jefferson Thomas is intensely likeable as Little John, the leader of Robin’s merry men. The show is dedicated to Jonathan Ryder, an Academy member who recently lost his battle with cancer.

'Casa Valentina' is hilarious and heart-wrenching, with excellent costuming and an impressive dance number

Laura Scribner and Scott Douglas Cunningham in "Casa Valentina."
Laura Scribner and Scott Douglas Cunningham in "Casa Valentina."

About the production: "Casa Valentina,” written by Harvey Fierstein, directed by David Drake and presented by The Provincetown Theater.

What it's about: The show is set in the lodge of a bungalow colony in the Catskills in 1962 — complete with the obligatory moose head on the back wall of the simple set. Albert (Ken Lockwood) is in front of a mirror making his transformation into his female self, Bessie. He is dressed in a brightly colored, voluminous muumuu and turban, and from the start it’s clear Bessie is the comic relief in the show.

Innkeeper Rita (Laura Scribner) is preparing for the lodge’s weekend guests, a “sorority” of men with dual (male/female) identities. Enter first-time guest and sorority newbie Jonathon/Miranda (Dustin Ross), whose struggle with his dual identity is one of the dramatic subplots of the show. Then we meet Rita’s husband George/Valentina (Scott Cunningham), who is returning from a meeting at the local postal inspector’s office, setting up another one of the dramatic subplots that play out through the production.

Highlights of the show: Lockwood delivers a bushel of dry one-liners throughout, sometimes in an almost staccato rhythm, and the Provincetown audience responds with unrestrained laughter again and again.

Thom Markee, Scott Douglas Cunningham and Kenneth Lockwood, left to right, lean into a song in "Casa Valentina."
Thom Markee, Scott Douglas Cunningham and Kenneth Lockwood, left to right, lean into a song in "Casa Valentina."

For example, in opening banter with resort co-owner Rita and Jonathon he delights the audience with the following lines:

“The world is my oyster, but I always use the wrong fork.”

“I’m so pretty I should be set to music.”

“Now I’m just an old thing finger-painting makeup on crepe paper.”

As Lockwood tossed out one line after another about an aging cross-dresser’s plight, I couldn’t help but see Nathan Lane in the film “The Birdcage.”

For his part, Ross delivers a sensitive and touching performance of Jonathon/Miranda as his struggle plays out.

Paul E. Halley (Theodore/Terry) is also fun as another aging man struggling with his dual identity. Like Lockwood, he delivers a string of one-liners.

Should you go?

Dustin Ross in a moment of revelation in "Casa Valentina."
Dustin Ross in a moment of revelation in "Casa Valentina."

Go for the artful combination of drama and abundant humor. But be advised that, as the program notes: “The show contains depictions of many sensitive situations, including physical violence and homophobic and transphobic language.”

Worth noting: Perhaps the best moment in the show is a hilarious group dance number to the tune of that old standard “Sugar Sugar.” Dance moves in the number range from comic, vaudeville-like to the twist.

One more thing: Costumes and wigs are attractive, effective and appropriate to the era. Cunningham is particularly stunning in his '60s-style cocktail dress and Jackie Kennedy wig. (Costume and wig designer is Carol Sherry.)

Interesting fact: Author Fierstein is best known for his “Torch Song Trilogy,” and is also an actor with credits including “Mrs. Doubtfire” and “Independence Day.”

If you go: 7 p.m. Thursdays through Saturdays, 2 p.m. Sundays through May 28. The Provincetown Theater, 238 Bradford St., Provincetown, 508-487-7487, tickets: $50 general admission.

By Sue Mellen, contributing writer

Robin Hood tries hard but misses the mark, despite superb performances for Sheriff of Nottingham, Beatrice and Little John.

Written, Directed, and Starring: Mark Roderick

What it’s about: Roderick’s adaptation of the classic folk tale features satiric dialogue and an Indiana Jones-style ending, but otherwise it doesn’t stray far from the source material. Once again, our story opens in the once-idyllic English village of Nottingham, which has been morally torn asunder since King Richard left for the Crusades and appointed the sheriff to reign in his stead. The sheriff rules with an iron fist, leaving the once prestigious village in an uproar. Backed by his merry band of outlaws, Robin vows to right the wrongs Nottingham has unleashed by robbing the nouveau rich and giving back to the poor.

Robin Hood's merry men strike a pose.
Robin Hood's merry men strike a pose.

See it or not: Despite some stellar supporting performances, I can’t recommend this production. While I admire Roderick for writing, directing, and acting, his opening night performance as Robin suggests he may have taken on too much. Unlike Errol Flynn, who so memorably embodied the rabble-rousing hero in the superior 1938 film version, Roderick approaches the role with an off-putting seriousness. If he had brought the same buoyancy to the stage that Flynn exuded on screen, the results might have been fascinating.

Fun fact: At Thursday’s performance, Denise Page took on the role of Maid Marion’s gossipy companion Beatrice as a last-minute replacement. Even with a script in her hand, she was completely believable and hysterically funny. Good for her.

Highlights: Sean Whalen is hilariously over the top as the scheming Sheriff of Nottingham. He’s loud, boorish, petulant, entirely unreasonable - and utterly hilarious. His pathetic attempts to woo Maid Marion had me roaring with laughter.

Worth Noting: The show is dedicated to Jonathan Ryder, an Academy member who lost his battle with cancer this week. In a touching prelude to Thursday’s performance, Roderick praised Ryder for his contributions to the play and presented a script filled with Ryder’s handwritten notes.

One more thing: Jefferson Thomas is wonderful as Little John, the sometimes affable but often irritable leader of Robin’s merry men. Thomas’s light comedic touch and shambling demeanor are just what the role demands.

If you go: 7 p.m. April 7-23 2 p.m. Sundays. $25-35 The Academy of Performing Arts, 120 Main St., Orleans,

By Paul Babin, contributing writer

This article originally appeared on Cape Cod Times: Theater reviews: Provincetown's Casa Valentina and Orleans' Robin Hood