Tom Steyer Should Be Bankrolling Thousands of State Legislature Campaigns

Photo credit: Scott Eisen - Getty Images
Photo credit: Scott Eisen - Getty Images

From Esquire

In which famous gozillionnaire Tom Steyer, who should be bankrolling thousands of state legislative campaigns across the country, but who, instead, is spending his gozillions buying his way onto a debate stage so that millions of Americans can say, “Jesus Christ almighty, another one?” all at once, learns that trying to do both things simultaneously can lead to difficulties. From the AP:

A top aide to Democratic presidential candidate Tom Steyer in Iowa privately offered campaign contributions to local politicians in exchange for endorsing his White House bid, according to multiple people with direct knowledge of the conversations. The overtures from Pat Murphy, a former state House speaker who is serving as a top adviser on Steyer’s Iowa campaign, aren’t illegal — though payments for endorsements would violate campaign finance laws if not disclosed. There’s no evidence that any Iowans accepted the offer or received contributions from Steyer’s campaign as compensation for their backing.

Why, how very un-smart of him.

Tom Courtney, a former Democratic state senator from southeastern Iowa who’s running for reelection to his old seat, told The Associated Press that the financial offer “left a bad taste in my mouth.” Murphy said concerns about his outreach were the result of a “miscommunication.” As Steyer met with voters in Bluffton, South Carolina, on Thursday, the first question posed to him was about the AP report. He said that he learned about the allegations while driving to the event and that no payments had gone to officials in Iowa. “We haven’t given any money to anyone in Iowa, nor are we planning to,” he said. “There’s no way we would ever do that.”

OK, so maybe it’s just a local aide deciding that he’d spread around a little campaign cash. But, call me an alarmist of you will, this is really a very inconvenient time to find your campaign tangled up in a quid pro quo.

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