Trump's surgeon general on popular anti-vax argument: 'Freedom argument is bunk'

Dr. Jerome Adams, the former surgeon general under President Trump, appeared Thursday on Cuomo Prime Time and ripped apart a popular argument among many unvaccinated Americans. As the Delta variant spreads and COVID-19 cases are once again surging, mask mandates are on the rise, and some companies are requiring employees to get vaccinated, many in the unvaccinated community say getting jabbed is a matter of personal freedom. But Adams doesn’t see it that way.

“We need to help people understand that this freedom argument is bunk. I mean, at the end of the day, we are losing freedoms because people are unvaccinated,” Adams said, adding, “The consequences are, as I said last week, more mitigation. And as I’m telling you this week, I’m predicting closures in the future because we are not gonna be able to reign this variant back in before we get enough spread that it’s gonna start causing closures again.”

Hospitals in many areas around the country are reverting back to pandemic policies due to an influx of COVID patients, most of them unvaccinated, and the new school year is weeks away with COVID protocols being put in place. While we are not yet at the level of closures or chaos experienced in 2020, the trend line is troubling and Adams put the blame squarely on the unvaccinated, reiterating that they are taking away the freedoms of others.

“I don’t want my kids to have to go through another year of virtual school. I don't want our hospitals to be overwhelmed, and for them to be shut down for elective surgeries, like we saw last year,” Adams said. “Our freedoms are being impinged upon because we have far too many people unvaccinated.”

As the unvaccinated account for the vast majority of new COVID cases, hospitalizations and deaths, but millions still refuse the vaccine, Adams believes we’re in for a long fight.

“The truth is, the American people need to know, we’re gonna be living with COVID for a while,” Adams said, “and we can live with it, but we all need to pull together and use the tools that God has given us, the miracles that God has given us, to overcome this terrible pandemic.”

Cuomo Prime Time airs weeknights at 9 p.m. on CNN.

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