Veteran with PTSD Denied Ride on Bus Because of Service Dog the latest video at video.foxnews.comDaniel Wright, a Purple Heart veteran who served 11 years in the Marines and the Army, was denied a ride on a New Jersey transit bus because of his registered service pit bull, Tank.
Wright suffers from post-traumatic stress disorder, not uncommon for a veteran who’s served four tours of duty.
“I was just trying to come home from school,” Wright told Fox and Friends on Monday, when the driver insisted that dogs weren’t allowed on the bus. Wright showed the driver Tank’s certified collar and vest – which read “US Army Service Dog” – but the diver slammed the door in his face.
Having had nine surgeries on his left shoulder, Wright needs Tank to help push buttons, open doors and grab items – everything he’d normally do with his left arm.
NJ Transit officials told WABC that they are looking into Wright’s treatment, issuing a statement that reads: “Service animals are permitted on board all of our modes: bus, rail, light rail, and Access Link, and we take our responsibility to comply with the Americans with Disabilities Act very seriously.”
Wright noted that the driver’s hostile and disbelieving attitude might stem from the fact that people tend to think of retrievers, not pit bulls, as service dogs – and that they’re only used by people who are clearly deaf or blind, not those who are impaired in less visible ways.
He’s not vicious, he’s not trying to attack anybody,” Wright told Fox and Friends, noting that the pup is gentle with his two sons and would never hurt anyone. “He’s a good dog.”