Wallows reveals what they’re nostalgic for and how their band name was created

On May 24, Wallows took over the TODAY Plaza to kick off the 2024 Citi Concert Series — and fans were lined up on 49th Street, singing along to every word.

Dylan Minnette, Braeden Lemasters and Cole Preston debuted both “Your Apartment” and “Calling After Me” from Wallows’ new album, “Model,” which dropped that same morning.

The Wallows (Nathan Congleton / TODAY)
The Wallows (Nathan Congleton / TODAY)

Though the band’s loyal following seemed to already know all the lyrics to their new tunes, Wallows didn’t disappoint those who have been fans for years as they played their 2019 hit “Are You Bored Yet?”

After their show, TODAY.com caught up with the alternative rock band for our “8 Before 8” video series, during which our Citi Concert artists answer eight questions before 8 a.m. For this Q&A session, there’s one rule: If an artist chooses to skip a question, they have to take a morning TV-style shot. (Don’t worry, there’s no alcohol! Think ginger, wheatgrass or electrolytes.)

Read on to find out what each member of Wallows is nostalgic for lately, their favorite songs off the new album — and the one song they know every word to.

1. How did you come up with the name Wallows?

Braeden: So, the name Wallows is — we were renaming the band because when we were younger, we had different band names. And there’s a video game called “Tony Hawk’s Underground” that I used to play as a kid and there’s a level in the game called “Hawaii.” And in the level you skate Wallows, which is an actual place in Hawaii that Tony Hawk and this group Animal Chin used to skate at in the '80s.

And I remember thinking Wallows was a really interesting, cool name because — it’s really tough to name a band. Anyone who’s in bands knows that. And (I) brought it up to the guys and it stuck, and we’re really happy that that’s the name that we are now known as.

2. Nostalgia has been a theme throughout much of your music. What are you nostalgic for these days?

Braeden: I’m nostalgic for for iPod Touch First generation unboxing videos. I love them. There’s also a scratch test one. I was kind of on the ASMR train before I knew ASMR was a thing. So I was like 11-12 (years old) just like, “Why am I fascinated with people unboxing items?” I’m nostalgic for that feeling. Now whenever I see like my First Generation iPod Touch I’m like, good times.

The Wallows (Nathan Congleton / TODAY)
The Wallows (Nathan Congleton / TODAY)

Cole: I feel like for me, it’s being young and being in school, grade school. I saw some video that was that one nostalgia sound on TikTok and they were showing pencil boxes with the colored tops and the little bumps. And I was like, wow, simple, simple times.

Dylan: I don’t know what I’m nostalgic for because I feel like there’s a lot. I feel like recently whenever I look at a sunset, I just need to get nostalgic about everything. I think about everything that’s led me to that point. And I don’t know, music makes me nostalgic too, I guess, in a very simple way. But yeah, it’s a hard question.

3. What is your favorite song on your new album, ‘Model’?

Dylan: “She’s an Actress.”

Cole: “Going Under.”

Braeden: “Only Ecstasy.”

4. Who was the hardest to wake up this morning?

Cole: I think the truth is we all did pretty good, right?

Dylan: I probably had the hardest time getting up this morning, maybe. Unless you guys did?

Braeden: I slept really good and was really awake, somehow.

Cole: (To Braeden) Me and you showed up, dressed and ready to go, in the clothes that we’re wearing. Whereas Dylan —

The Wallows (Nathan Congleton / TODAY)
The Wallows (Nathan Congleton / TODAY)

Dylan: And I slept terribly and I woke up not in my clothes. I had clothes on. I woke up this morning a little bit like worried. I was like, “Oh no, it’s just going to be a disaster.” But we’re there. We did it. And I feel great now.

5. What is the inspiration behind the new album?

Dylan: Take a shot.

Cole: It was a lot of things. I think for us, this is our third record as a band. We’ve been doing this as Wallows for seven years now, which is pretty hard to fathom. So I think we wanted to make a record that represented where we are and all the things we’ve learned touring and recording. It feels like our most mature and our most realized, and maybe, I’d say, our most enjoyable listen to date.

6. What is the best summer jam on the album?

Dylan: Probably “Calling After Me,” right?

Braeden: I’d say “Calling After Me” would be the best one.

Cole: Yeah.

Dylan: I feel like “Calling After Me” has a song of the summer thing going for it, as people would say.

The Wallows (Nathan Congleton / TODAY)
The Wallows (Nathan Congleton / TODAY)

7. Anitta is coming to TODAY next week as our next guest on the Plaza. What question do you have for her?

Dylan: Whoa! That’s a lot of pressure. I’ve never been asked that before, to ask someone a question.

Braeden: What’s your favorite scary movie?

A week later, Anitta responded during her own “8 Before 8” segment.

Anitta: None. I don’t watch horror movies, guys! Thank you so much. I’m so scared if I watch a horror movie, literally, I can’t go to sleep. I think all the characters are there. If it’s horror, like “Saw” for example, I can watch because it’s just people killing people. If there’s ghosts, things that ... monsters, ghosts. I’m scared of all the ghosts. So if it’s these horror movies with, like, little kids that die, I’m going to dream about them. I’m going to see them in the room. I cannot like demons. I don’t watch this. I just want good energy around me. That’s it!

8. Rapid Fire Round

What’s one song you know every word to? (And it can’t be your own.)

Braeden: “Everybody Wants to Rule the World,” by Tears for Fears.

Cole: I’m going to go “The Promise,” by When In Rome.

Dylan: First thing that came to mind is “Last Nite,” by The Strokes.

Music or podcasts?

Dylan: Music.

Cole: Music.

Braeden: Music.

Coffee or tea?

Dylan: Coffee.

Cole: Coffee.

Braeden: Coffee.

Breakfast or dinner?

Dylan: Dinner.

Cole: Dinner.

Braeden: Definitely, dinner.

TikTok or Instagram?

Dylan: Oh man, for different reasons, pros and cons. They both kind of suck, but they’re both great. But I use Instagram more, Instagram.

Cole: TikTok.

Braeden: I don’t have TikTok, so Instagram.

Drums or bass?

Cole: There’s a right answer here.

Dylan: I’m going to say bass.

Braeden: You know what you have to say, Cole.

Cole: Drums.

Braeden: I’m going to say, dr-ass!

The Beatles or Beyoncé?

Dylan: Oh man, I mean in terms of us as a band and our formation, The Beatles.

Cole: (whispers) The Beatles.

Braeden: I'll say The Beatles.

This article was originally published on TODAY.com