Want country themed ink and to help Dolly Parton's book program? Visit this Nashville tattoo shop

International Country Music Day is celebrated on Tuesday, Sep. 17 and one Nashville area tattoo studio will help fans to commemorate their love for the genre permanently.

Starfolk Tattoo, located in Madison, will offer tattoo designs inspired by the biggest and most legendary names in country music including Patsy Cline, Willie Nelson, Johnny Cash and more. Fans can choose from various designs including a cup of ambition, a rhinestone cowboy, a blue Kentucky girl and others.

All of the proceeds from the event will benefit Dolly Parton's Imagination Library, providing free books to children across the world. The event will be the first of its kind for Starfolk Tattoo, however, tattoo studio founder Jordan Brill hopes to make it an annual celebration.

"We aim to showcase the incredible culture, creativity, and community spirit that makes Nashville unique," said Brill in a statement provided to the Tennessean. "By combining our passion for tattoo design with the local Country Music legacy, we're creating a one-of-a-kind tattoo experience that we hope will become a cherished Nashville tradition."

The decision to partner with Parton's Imagination Library stemmed from not only a desire to give back to the Nashville community but also out of a commitment to foster creativity, generosity and personal growth, said Brill.

After 20 years of making sure children have access to free books through her Imagination Library, Dolly Parton revealed plans Tuesday for her first children’s album.“I Believe In You” will be available digitally Sept. 29 and in stores worldwide Oct. 13. All 13 songs on the album were written by Parton. Proceeds from “I Believe in You” will benefit Parton’s Imagination Library.

Here's what to know about International Country Music Day and the event.

When is International Country Music Day?

International Country Music Day is celebrated annually on Sept. 17, as a way to honor the the genre's legacy as well as the singers and songwriters who have made their mark in the county music industry. The day also pays tribute to the birth of Hank Williams, highly regarded as one of the most influential country artists of all time.

How to participate in Starfolk Tattoo's International Country Music Day charity event

Tattooing will start at 10 a.m. and pricing will range from $100-$150. Fans will be able to select from a number of designs honoring iconic country legends before getting inked on either their arms and legs. Fans will also be able to participate in raffles for free tattoo sessions and enjoy exclusive merch plus bites from local vendors, Pinky Ring Pizza and Mad Town coffee.

Starfolk Tattoo is located at 905 Madison Square in Madison.

Diana Leyva covers trending news and service journalism for The Tennessean. Contact her at [email protected] or follow her on X, the platform formerly known as Twitter, at @_leyvadiana

This article originally appeared on Nashville Tennessean: Celebrate International Country Music Day at this Nashville tattoo shop