If you have to watch one Star Wars movie this May the 4th, stream this one
Every Star Wars fan has a favorite movie, and many Star Wars fans also hate at least one of the entries in one of their favorite franchises. That can make the exercise of choosing the perfect Star Wars movie to watch on May the 4th difficult. For all of the love this fan base has shown to the franchise over the years, it’s also a fan base that has strong opinions about why one movie or another is worthy of your time.
This May 4, though, I’d recommend watching Star Wars: The Last Jedi. Almost undoubtedly the most controversial entry in the saga, one that makes some people furious and others jump for joy, The Last Jedi is worthy of your attention, whether you like what it’s doing or not. Here are three reasons you should check it out:
Luke gets to live the Jedi legend
Star Wars: The Last Jedi Trailer (Official)
One of the main complaints with The Last Jedi, and it’s one that Mark Hamill initially shared before he was convinced otherwise, was that the movie doesn’t do right by Luke Skywalker. Luke is supposed to be a legendary Jedi, but in The Last Jedi, he has turned away from the Force, believing that he has done more harm than good for the world.
That cynical, depressed Luke upset many fans, but the movie itself also wants Luke to be the legend so many see him as. The movie’s third act, in which Luke single-handedly faces down the entire First Order, albeit as a Force projection, gives him the opportunity to be the legend so many wanted him to be.
Adam Driver delivers one of the best performances in a Star Wars project
When you think of Star Wars, you don’t necessarily think of great acting (sorry, Hamill), but that’s exactly what Driver delivers as Kylo Ren. The Last Jedi is all about Ren’s journey to escape from the paradigms of the past and forge his own path, and Driver plays the conflict roiling inside him beautifully.
Ren’s rage and hurt, and the way Driver lets the character wear those things on his sleeve, make this performance one of the best we’ve ever seen in a Star Wars project.
It’s a greatlooking Star Wars movie
Regardless of how you feel about the plot of The Last Jedi, it’s hard to deny that director Rian Johnson directed the movie with exceptional flair. The salt over red earth on Crait is stunning to look at, as are the moments when Holdo slices through the First Order fleet and Rey and Kylo Ren duel in the throne room.
If the movie’s dialogue or plotting leaves you frustrated, you can just turn the volume all the way down and soak in some of the most memorable Star Wars images we’ve gotten since the original trilogy.
Star Wars: The Last Jedi is streaming on Disney+.