Entertainment Weekly

How well do you remember Knocked Up ?

Mary Sollosi
Knocked Up: How well do you remember the Judd Apatow film?

It’s been a decade since Seth Rogen’s character knocked up Katherine Heigl’s in Judd Apatow’s sophomore directorial feature, the sweet-and-raunchy Knocked Up. Hitting theaters on June 1, 2007, the romantic comedy went on to earn critical acclaim, land on a handful of yearly top 10 lists, and gross an impressive $219 million worldwide.

Rogen stars as Ben, a slacker living with a quartet of equally directionless roommates with whom he smokes weed, plays childish competitive games, and plans to launch a tasteless website devoted to naked celebrities. One night, he meets Alison (Heigl), an ambitious TV personality, as she celebrates a promotion. After a few drinks, they have a one-night stand; after a few weeks, they find out she’s pregnant.

While the film has attracted some controversy for its questionable sexual politics — the most visible criticisms coming from Heigl herself (who has since clarified her comments) — it remains a beloved entry in the Apatow canon. Now, on its 10th anniversary, test your memory of Knocked Up with our quiz, below.
