Whoopi Goldberg Berates Ben Carson on 'The View'

Earlier in March, Ben Carson endorsed Donald Trump for president after suspending his campaign to be the Republican nominee. The View invited Carson on to defend his endorsement, and he wound up getting yelled at by an irate Whoopi Goldberg. “You have aligned yourself with a man who has bashed women, made countless racist remarks — and you’re Ben Carson,” Goldberg said in her first question to the former candidate. “Why would you align yourself with that?” Only moments later, as Carson was defending himself, Goldberg said, “I’m sorry, I just don’t understand. … You’re Ben Carson. You’re so much better than this!”

The rest of the panel brought up negative aspects of Trump’s character — the Justice Department’s 1970s lawsuit against him for not accepting black tenants into his properties, his comparison of Carson to a child molester, and his recent attacks on candidate Ted Cruz’s wife, Heidi Cruz — but Carson was willing to look past them. Goldberg could not stand it. “If you’re running for president of the United States of America, a country which has said to other countries, ‘Bring me the folks that you need who need freedom. We’re here for you,’” she passionately stated. “When you talk about Mexicans being rapists and murders, when you talk to women — if he had spoken to your wife the way he has spoken to some of these women, would you take that, sir?”

Carson deflected the question and basically argued that because Trump says what people want to hear — even if it’s a lie — that would make him a good president. “My point is he and some of the other politicians, they do what people want,” Carson said. “They say what people want to hear. They appeal to people.”

“That’s how Hitler got in, sir,” rebutted Goldberg.

Hulk Hogan discusses sex tape lawsuit with Gawker Media on ‘The View’:

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