Woody Harrelson on dining with Donald Trump and giving sermons with Mike Pence

Woody Harrelson — can’t you hear his drawl as you read this? — is an impressive storyteller.

He told a couple of his favorites, during his latest appearance on WTF With Marc Maron, both having to do with the Trump administration.

First up, the Zombieland: Double Tap star talked to Maron, one of the stars of GLOW, about his background. Harrelson was once “quite religious” — attending church and inviting people over for Bible study at his house. People told him he should be a minister, and he was thinking about it.

“I did a sermon when I was 17, and then I did another one at Hanover College,” Harrelson, 58, said in the Oct. 16 episode. “In fact, this is kind of bizarre but Mike Pence was two years older at the same school, at Hanover, and he was the guy who kinda mentored me through it.”

Harrelson remembered Pence as “very religious” and the guy you went to if you wanted help with a project on the subject.

While Pence has stayed religious, Harrelson said studying the subject ended up being the thing that made him turn away from it.

He was in a much different place by 2002, when he had dinner with Pence’s future running mate Donald Trump. The premise of that one is that Harrelson’s friend Jesse Ventura asked him to come with him for dinner with Trump and Trump’s now wife, Melania. Harrelson recalled that Ventura, a former pro wrestler who was then the governor of Minnesota, suspected Trump was going to ask him to be his running mate in the 2004 presidential election.

The night was not a fun one for Harrelson.

“You realize how a second can be fast or a second can feel like forever,” the actor said. “He just wants to talk about himself and he does continuously.”

Back in August, Harrelson had even worse things to say about the group’s evening at Trump Tower.

“Now, at a fair table with four people, each person is entitled to 25 percent of the conversation, right?” Harrelson told Esquire. “I’d say Melania got about 0.1 percent, maybe. I got about 1 percent. And the governor, Jesse, he got about 3 percent. Trump took the rest. It got so bad I had to go outside and burn one before returning to the monologue monopoly.”

“Listen, I came up through Hollywood, so I’ve seen narcissists,” Harrelson added. “This guy was beyond. It blew my mind.”

In the interview with Maron, the Cheers star said the things Trump says make him think the president has “almost like a god complex.”

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