‘The X-Files’ Returns to Reveal It Has All Been a Sham

After a 14-year hiatus, The X-Files returned Sunday because the truth is still out there. In the first of six episodes in the new miniseries we learned quite a bit, particularly the fact that the FBI’s X-Files were just a fool’s errand.

Agents Mulder and Scully are reunited thanks to a conservative Internet pundit named Tad O’Malley. Tad introduces them to a young woman who claims to have been abducted numerous times and forced to birth alien babies. They also learn of a working spaceship built from elements found at an alien crash site. However, things are not quite as they initially seemed when Mulder discovers the abductions have actually been orchestrated by humans. In fact, Mulder realizes that the whole existence of the X-Files has been a sham, saying, “All those years, I was led by my nose down a dark alley to a dead end exactly as they’d planned.”

Related: Ken Tucker Reviews ‘The X-Files’: It Gets Better and Better

With only five episodes remaining in the miniseries, hopefully Mulder and Scully will get to the bottom of the conspiracy. But they’d better be careful because some secret government organization already killed off a lot of the new characters in the first episode and even blew up the supercool spaceship!

X-Files airs again Monday night at 8pm on FOX.

See Mulder and Scully finally kiss!

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