What the Fed rate cut means for investors

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The wait is over. After more than a year of will-they-or-wonā€™t-they, the Federal Reserve on Sept. 18 announced the first cut to its benchmark federal funds rate since the early days of the COVID-19 pandemic, a 50-basis-point drop that Chairman Jerome Powell signaled is likely the first of many.

With inflation at its lowest level since early 2021, an uptick in the unemployment rate, and growing worries about softening consumer spending, the cut was anything but a surprise. But it does signal the start of a pivot in how the average investor should position her portfolio, as wealth planners and other experts tell Fortune.

For starters, investors should expect short-term volatility, especially if the Fed embarks on a sequence of rate changes, says Chester Spatt, finance professor at Carnegie Mellonā€™s Tepper School of Business. That will be doubly so considering that the timing of the first cut coincides with the home stretch of a presidential race, when investors tend to overreact to political plot twists. ā€œThese periods where the direction of rates is changing tend to be periods of uncertainty,ā€ says Spatt.

Driving that uncertainty, of course, is the question thatā€™s been ricocheting around investorsā€™ minds for months: Has the Fed nailed a ā€œsoft landing,ā€ slowing inflation without causing a recession? Or is Septemberā€™s rate cut a sign that higher interest rates have gone too far and made the economy too weak?

The bad news is that in recent years, declining interest rates and recessions have often gone hand in hand as the Fed tries to backstop Wall Street and Main Street: Seven out of 11 periods of sustained rate cutting since 1980 have coincided with recessions, according to research by Hartford Funds.

The good news is that even a recession isnā€™t necessarily terrible for investors. Tracie McMillion, head of global asset allocation strategy at the Wells Fargo Investment Institute (WFII) notes that there are a few asset classes that tend to pop after a cut, U.S. stocks being one of them. Studying historical stock market data, WFII found that the S&P 500 rises steadily in the 18 months following a rate cut when those cuts donā€™t correspond with a recession. But even when there is a recessionā€”which WFII considers unlikelyā€”performance is ā€œessentially flat.ā€

Indeed, some sectors actually perform better when rate cuts correspond with a recession than they do when it doesnā€™t. Financials, health care, consumer staples, and tech fall into that category.

With or without a recession, lower interest rates make it worth taking a second look at some categories that have been out of favor. Small-cap stocks, which have underperformed for years, in particular could see a boost, says McMillion. These companies tend to rely on borrowing to fuel growth to a greater degree than big companies do, meaning they have more to gain from better lending rates.