Ofcom race to be rerun as big tech fights to block ex-Daily Mail editor Paul Dacre

Paul Dacre

The race to become chairman of Ofcom will be rerun after Facebook and Google lobbied to stop the former Daily Mail editor Paul Dacre getting the job, The Telegraph can reveal.

The culture secretary Oliver Dowden on Wednesday wrote to Peter Riddell the Public Appointments commissioner, saying he wants the process to start ā€œafreshā€ with a new selection panel for the ļæ”142,500-a-year role - one of the most influential in the British media industry.

Mr Dowden is understood to have decided that the process has been deficient in some areas and civil servants have told him that there are grounds to rerun it. A major concern was ā€œvery heavy lobbyingā€ against the candidature of Mr Dacre from major technology companies, including the Facebook operation headed by the former Liberal Democrat leader Sir Nick Clegg.

The decision to scrap the process and start again is likely to stoke speculation that the panel of four Whitehall and business figures appointed to assess candidates may have advised Mr Dowden that Mr Dacre was not appointable.

The panel was chaired by Susannah Storey, a senior civil servant in Mr Dowdenā€™s department, and included the newspaper executive Paul Potts; the former BT chief executive Lord Livingston; and Melanie Richards, the deputy chairman of the accountant KPMG.


Ministers were concerned some candidates were being ā€œmarked downā€ for saying they would provide ā€œstrong challengeā€ to Ofcomā€™s executives and saw their job as reforming the regulator.

The process had favoured ā€œthose who would slot in comfortably within the current system and not rock the boatā€, one insider said, when ministers want a strong independently-minded chairman.

Sources close to the process said that in an interview with the panel last month Mr Dacre questioned Ofcomā€™s ties to the BBC, such as via its then-board member Tim Suter. A former BBC News executive, he resigned from the regulator last week after he was criticised in Lord Dyson's report into the Martin Bashir scandal.

A source also added that Mr Dacre is said to have raised concerns about the BBCā€™s financial management, which were last week echoed by a Public Accounts Committee report which labelled the corporation ā€œcomplacentā€ having ā€œducked the hard choicesā€ as viewing and listening shifts online.

While a longstanding critic of the BBC, he has said it is a ā€œ a great civilising forceā€ and that he would pay the licence fee for Radio 4 alone. But it is Mr Dacreā€™s criticism of tech giants that prompted the most vociferous campaign against him.

One source said the tech companiesā€™ concerns had been raised ā€œseveral timesā€ at meetings with officials. The Fleet Street veteran, 72, has been a longstanding opponent of the power of Silicon Valley and has called for Google and Facebook to be broken up. At Ofcom he aimed to use new powers under forthcoming ā€œonline harmsā€ to hold them to account for carrying for child sexual abuse images, terrorist material and suicide content.