Recession-proof your finances: Tips to prepare

Chatter of a recession next year has been looming for months, but new data--and extremely violate marketsā€”suggest it may be here sooner than previously thought.

Two recent surveys found that top CEOs and CFOs alike are confident that a recession will strike next year.

A New York Times survey found that almost half of all 134 CEOs polled believe that the U.S. will be in a recession by the end of 2019 with 67 percent of them citing U.S. political instability and trade negotiations as the major triggers.

A Duke University Fugua School of Business survey from early this month found that nearly half of all U.S. CFOs also believe a recession in near but predicted it will hit by the end of 2019.

Whatā€™s more, JPMorgan Chase recently found the U.S. economy has a greater than 50-50 chance of tipping into a recession in the next two years, with the odds climbing to higher than 80 percent over the next three years.

Whether you believe a recession is looming or not, many financial experts warn you should always ā€œrecession proofā€ your finances just in case.

Have Multiple Income Streams

Scott Henderson, accredited financial counselor and founder of Simplifinances, says when it comes to income, the biggest risk you can take is having one source.

ā€œHaving multiple sources of income will help you stay recession-proof,ā€ Henderson tells FOX Business.

His second tip, which he says is one of the most effective long-term and stress-free strategies for investing your money, is dollar-cost-averaging.

Prudent Spending & Investing

ā€œBe intentional with your spending when the economy is good. Increase your savings rate by simplifying your life and building up a reserve fund,ā€ he adds. Dollar cost averaging comes in as investors stay the course. Steady investing allows more assets to be purchased when prices are low and less when prices are rising.

Save & Pay Down Debt

Mark Hamrick, senior economic analyst at, says recessions are little likes ā€œillnesses.ā€

ā€œSome arrive, make their presence known and are resolved fairly quickly. Others, such as the Great Recession following the financial crisis a decade ago, are near-death experiences that require a prolonged period of convalescence and healing. We donā€™t know the level of severity of the next one.ā€

With that being said, two of the most important things people can do to prepare for an economic slowdown is to build savings and pay down debt.

ā€œSavings is necessary to help ride out the financial storm, including the prospect of disrupting and costly unemployment. Paying down, or ideally paying off debt, helps us to reduce future financial obligations,ā€ he adds.

Always Network

And for those who are currently working, his advice is to always maintain a network of professional contacts for when the time comes to seek employment. By keeping your network active, youā€™ll be in a better position to reach out to your contactsā€”if or whenā€”a recession hits and you become a victim of layoffs.

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