Winnie Harlow on sun and skin care line CAY Skin: 'I hope it inspires'

Supermodel Winnie Harlow is known for her high-fashion looks on the runway ā€” but the 27-year-old is adding a new title to her resume: business woman.

Harlow, who has the chronic skin condition vitiligo, launched her sun and skin care line, CAY Skin, in early March, but the journey began three years ago with Harlow calling the venture her "pandemic baby."

"It all stemmed from a photoshoot that I had in 2018 where I got horribly burned on a beach shooting from sun up to sun down for two days in a row ā€” no one wanted me to apply sunscreen because of the blue and purple cast that it created on my skin," Harlow explained in a new interview with Yahoo Finance Presents.

The model went on to describe how the sunscreen-less shoot left her with the "worst sunburn" of her life, yet the experience also inspired her to create her company.

"I started thinking, 'Why is there nothing on the market that not only protects your skin, but also looks amazing on skin and makes you feel confident to show more skin?'"

Winnie Harlow reveals new sun and skin line, CAY Skin (Courtesy: CAY Skin)

Harlow credits her Jamaican roots and early childhood days in the Caribbean as other catalysts for her brand, calling it a "two-fold" journey in which "sunscreen has always been a big part of my life."

"My parents used to slather sunscreen onto my skin, but I even remember back then hating wearing it because of that same purple and blue cast," she explained.

[CAY Skin] is a merge between sun care and skin care...Winnie Harlow, Supermodel & CAY Skin Founder

In recent years, there's been an explosion of celebrity beauty brands with Kim Kardashian, Kylie Jenner, Jessica Alba, Lady Gaga, and Scarlett Johansson all putting their names behind big makeup and skin care lines.

But Harlow doubled down on keeping CAY Skin as authentic to her own experience as possible ā€” adding that that authenticity helps the brand stand out among competitors.

"The most important thing for me when creating this business was one, creating something from scratch and two, that it was really true to me," she said.

"It's something that I have experienced my whole life, especially having vitiligo and my family wanting to make sure that my skin was protected. I feel like it's a place where I have a lot of ground to stand in," she continued, emphasizing that nothing else on the market measures up to the products she's created.

With ingredients ranging from aloe vera to sea moss, CAY Skin is "not just a sun care brand but a merge between sun care and skin care," she reiterated.