Almond Butter Bark Recipe


Photo: Marija Ivkovic

From Yahoo Food’s Cookbook of the Week: I Quit Sugar (Clarkson Potter)

Almond Butter Bark
Makes 12-15 shards

This is one of my favorite treats. Hand it out to fans of salted caramel and see if it doesn’t make them smile in blissful surprise.

If you don’t have any almond butter, make some by combining 5 tablespoons softened butter and ? cup almond meal, hempseed meal or other nut meal.

? cup coconut oil, melted
¼ cup almond butter, slightly warmed or melted
2 tablespoons unsweetened coconut flakes
2 teaspoons brown rice syrup
Pinch of rock salt, ground
Handful of cacao nibs or dark (85% cacao) chocolate shavings

Line a baking pan with baking paper. Combine the oil, almond butter, coconut flakes and syrup in a bowl. Spread on the pan and sprinkle with salt and cacao nibs. Freeze for about 20 minutes, then snap into shards. Store in an airtight container in the fridge (the shards will melt if left out at room temperature).

More ways to use almond butter:

In a blueberry smoothie

In cookies

In a gluten-free tart shell (seriously!)