Butter and Sugar Sandwich Recipe


Photo: Eric Wolfinger, courtesy Random House LLC

From Yahoo Food’s Cookbook of the Week: Prune

Butter and Sugar Sandwiches

Per order:
2 slices of Pullman bread, sliced ½-inch thick
¾ ounce unsalted butter, cool, waxy, but spreadable
1 teaspoon sugar, plus more for edging
2 ounces heavy cream

Spread half the butter on one slice of bread and half on the other slice.

Sprinkle ½ teaspoon sugar over each buttered slice. Press the two slices together and cut in half on the diagonal.

Put some sugar on a plate and dip cut edges of sandwich in it. Tap off excess for neat presentation.

Pour cold cream into a small coffee cup or large ramekin for dunking.

Nothing to hide behind here, so make sure the bread is ultra fresh, the butter-to-sugar ratio accurate, the temperature of the butter soft but not greasy or melted, and the cream fresh and cold.

Have you ever made a butter and sugar sandwich before? Tell us about the first time you tried it.