Cake of the Day: Biscoff and Raspberry Crêpe Cake


Photo: Heather Thoming

WhipperBerry: It’s not only fun to say, it’s the name of a cooking and crafting blog based in Nebraska. The creator is Heather Thoming, a photographer, recipe developer and mother of four “Lil’ Whips” (her nickname for her kids), who turned blogging into a full-time job. Visit her site to find countless of kid-friendly recipes and DIY tutorials for your house or apartment.

One recipe adults and kids alike will ooh and aah over—it’s made of pancakes!—is today’s crêpe cake. Thoming uses her great uncle’s classic recipe for a basic crêpe and adds her own twist in the form of Biscoff, a creamy cookie spread. She cooks up about 40 crêpes in a pan, layering them with fresh homemade raspberry sauce and her Biscoff buttercream.

The icing on the cake, as it were? Using a star-tip pastry bag, Thoming pipes the buttercream into rosettes, placing fresh raspberries in the center of each. A final dusting of powdered sugar makes this towering creation an aesthetic masterpiece.

Get this recipe: Biscoff and Raspberry Crêpe Cake


More cakes with lots of layers:

Nutella Crêpe Tower Cake

Swiss Black Forest Cake

Vanilla Blackberry Mascarpone Cake

Would you ever make this cake? Too tricky, or right up your alley? Tell us!